--- jupyter: jupytext: formats: ipynb,md text_representation: extension: .md format_name: markdown format_version: '1.3' jupytext_version: 1.13.8 kernelspec: display_name: SageMath 9.2 language: sage name: sagemath --- ```sage from glv import glv_decompose_simple,\ glv_decompose,glv_decompose_two,find_lambda,\ find_sigma, find_curve, dcp_instance, semaev ``` **Bitcoin curve - basic properties** $p = 2^{256}-2^{32}-2^9-2^8-2^7-2^6-2^4-1$ $E: y^2=x^3+7$ CM - discriminant = $-3$ Frobenius discriminant = $-1 \cdot 3^3 \cdot 79^2 \cdot 349^2 \cdot 2698097^2 \cdot 1359580455984873519493666411^2$ Endomorphism algebra: - $K = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-3})$, $O_K=\mathbb{Z}[\omega]$, $\omega = \frac{1+\sqrt{-3}}{2}$ - $O_K^{\times} = \{\pm 1, \pm \omega,\pm \omega^2\}$ - $(\beta x,y)$ as an endomorphism has order 3 for $\beta=\sqrt[3]{1}$. We can identify $(\beta x,y)=\omega$ and get $End(E)=O_K$ - $\omega$ acts as a scalar $\lambda$ on $E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ which satisfies $\lambda^2+\lambda+1=0 \pmod n$ ```sage p = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F a = 0 b = 7 F = GF(p) E = EllipticCurve(F,[a,b]) n = E.order() print(E) lamb,beta = find_lambda(E) print(f"beta: {beta}") print(f"lambda: {lamb}") ``` **Bitcoin curve - Twists** Twists of $E$ are of the form $E_{\mu}:y^2=x^3+\mu$ where $\mu \in \mathbb{F}_p\setminus(\mathbb{F}_p^{\times})^6$. If we identify curves isomorphic over $\mathbb{F}_p$ we get six isomorphic classes $\mathbb{F}_p/(\mathbb{F}_p^{\times})^6$ that can be represented, for example, by $\{\pm 1, \pm 7, \pm 49\}$. Overall, we have: | $E_1$ | $E_7$ | $E_{49}$ | |---|---|---| | $E_{-1}$ |$E_{-7}$ |$E_{-49}$ | - horizontal isomorphisms are $(\sqrt[3]{7}x,\sqrt{7}y)$ and vertical are $(\gamma x,iy)$ where $\gamma^2=\beta$ - isomorphisms are defined over the second extension (see the maps) - Frobenius traces of $E_j$ and $E_{-j}$ are opposite - The group $E(\mathbb{F}_{p^2})$ is a (group) product of $E_j(\mathbb{F}_p)$ and $E_{-j}(\mathbb{F}_p)$ ```sage E_1 = EllipticCurve(F,[0,1]) E_49 = EllipticCurve(F,[0,49]) E_m1 = EllipticCurve(F,[0,-1]) E_m7 = EllipticCurve(F,[0,-7]) E_m49 = EllipticCurve(F,[0,-49]) print(f"E_1: {E_1}") print(f"E_7: {n}") print(f"E_49: {E_49}") print(f"E_m1: {E_m1}") print(f"E_m7: {E_m7}") print(f"E_m49: {E_m49}") ``` **Bitcoin curve - GLV** Any scalar $k \in \mathbb{F}_{n}$ can be decomposed as $k=k_0+k_1\lambda \pmod n$ for $k_i\approx \sqrt{n}$ ```sage k = randint(1,n) k0,k1 = glv_decompose(k,lamb,n) print(f"k0: {k0}, size: {k0.nbits()} bits") print(f"k1: {k1}, size: {k1.nbits()} bits") ``` We can consider higher dimensional decompositions: $k=\sum_{i=0}^r k_i\lambda^i \pmod n$ Since $\lambda^2+\lambda+1=0 \pmod n$ then decompositions with $r>2$ alone do not improve anything: ```sage kis = glv_decompose(k,lamb,n,dim = 4) print("".join(f"k{i} bitsize: {ki.nbits()}\n" for i,ki in enumerate(kis))) ``` Decomposition can be done using other endomorphisms. All of them are of the form $a+b\omega$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}$. "Fast endomorphisms have small degree (typically deg=1 and elements of $O_K^{\times}$). Using $deg(a+b\omega)\geq |a^2-b^2|$ we get: - deg 1: $a=\pm 1$, $b=0$ (which is $\pm 1$) and $a=0$, $b=\pm 1$ (which is $\pm \omega$) and $a=b=\pm 1$ (which is conjugate to $\omega$). Probably no others? - deg 2: nothing (call E.isogenies_prime_degree(2) to verify) - deg 3: $\sigma = \omega-1$ and $-\sigma$. Again, $\sigma$ satisfies quadratic equation: $\sigma^2+3\sigma+3 = 0 \pmod n$ These are not necessarily all of them ```sage delta, sigma_map = find_sigma(E) print(f"sigma map: {sigma_map}") print((delta**2+3*delta+3)%n==0) ``` **Idea:** Does it make sense to minimize the decomposition with respect to something else then the size of $k_i$? What about the discrete log with base $\sigma$, i.e. minimize $\log_{\sigma}(k_i)$? ```sage GF(n)(delta).multiplicative_order() ``` Decomposition using more than one endomorphism will not work due to linear dependency of $\sigma$ and $\omega$ (every endomorphism is an element of $\mathbb{Z}[\omega]$) ```sage kis = glv_decompose_two(k,lamb,delta,n) print("".join(f"k{i} bitsize: {ki.nbits()}\n" for i,ki in enumerate(kis))) ``` **Bitcoin isogenies** ```sage for l in prime_range(20): print(f"Number of {l}-degree isogenies: {len(E.isogenies_prime_degree(l))}") ``` Careful: The 2nd Modular polynomial has roots for $j=0$. The isogeny is probably not normalized or whatever and therefore not found by the isogenies_prime_degree method. ```sage ClassicalModularPolynomialDatabase()[2](0,PolynomialRing(F,'j2').gen()).roots() ``` If you call the method on EllipticCurve_from_j(F(54000)) then the codomain has a=0. Composing with isomorphism you can enforce E to be the codomain ```sage print("Isogenies of degree 3:") for isog in E.isogenies_prime_degree(3): print(f"Domain j: {E.j_invariant()}, Codomain j:{isog.codomain().j_invariant()}") ``` The first isogeny, call it $\alpha_3$, is a loop on j-invariants but not an endomorphism of curves (only isogeny). But we can compose it with an isomorphism $\mu$ "back" to bitcoin curve to get endomorphism $\mu\alpha_3 = \sigma\omega$ of degree 3: ```sage isog = E.isogenies_prime_degree(3)[0] print(f"alpha_3: {isog.rational_maps()}") u =F(-3)**(-1) print(f"mu*alpha_3: {u*isog.rational_maps()[0]}") print(f"omega*sigma: {beta*sigma_map}") ``` **Idea**: Can we talk about an "isogeny" decomposition? Let $\phi_1,\phi_2,\phi_3:E_1\to E_2$ be thre isogenies and $P\in E_2$ and $kP=Q$ which we wish to compute. Let $P = \phi_1(R)$ for some $R \in E_1$. Then $kP = k\phi_1(R)=a\phi_2(R)+b\phi_3(R)$. If $a,b$ are small this could simplify the computation (probably not small, check the degrees) #### DCP problem Let $k \in \mathbb{F}_n$ and $f\in \mathbb{F}_p[x_1,x_2]$. Find $P=(x_1,y_1),Q=(x_2,y_2)\in E$ such that $kP=Q$ and $f(P,Q)=0$ Typical examples of $f$: $f(x_1,x_2) = x_1x_2+1$, $f(x_1,x_2) = x_1+x_2$, $f(y_1,y_2) = y_1+y_2$. Only known approach: compute multiplication-by-$k$ map $m_k(x_1)$ and substitute: $f(x_1,m_k(x_1))=0$ and find roots of this one-variable polynomial. For $k>2^40$ it is infeasible to compute $m_k$. Possible improvement can be done by searching for small $l$ ($m_l$ is computable) such that $lk$ is small as well and solve $f(m_l(x_1),m_{lk}(x_1))$. However, the probability (assume uniform) that $lk<2^b$ is $2^{b-256}$. Although we have $2^b$ candidates for $l$, the chance is negligible. **DCP with Bitcoin** Let $k=k_1+k_2\lambda$ be a decomposition then $m_{k_2\lambda}(x)=m_{k_2}(\beta x)$. Also let $S_3(x_1,x_2,x_3)$ be the third Semaev polynomial (polynomial with the property $A+B+C=\infty$ iff $S_3(A_{x},B_{x},C_{x})=0$). We are looking for $x_1,x_2$ such that $S_3(x_2,m_{k_1}(x_1),m_{k_2}(\beta x))$ and $f(x_1,x_2)=0$. If we can express $x_2$ from the second equation and substitute into the first we have again one-variable polynomial. This time $k_1,k_2$ are much smaller then $k$ (half the bit length). However, for $256$-bit curve it is still not enough (128 bit). In principle, we could use higher dimensional decompositions and higher degree Semaev polynomial (in the same way). The degree of $m$-th Semaev polynomial is $2^{m-2}$ in each variable and $(m-1)2^{m-2}$ total degree. If we have $r$-dim decomposition then we need to compute $\sqrt[r]{n^2}$-degree division polynomial and $f_{r+1}$ Semaev polynomial. In total, the degree after substitution of division polynomial into Semaev would be $r2^{r-1}\sqrt[r]{n^2}$ where $n\approx 2^{256}$. We get $r2^{2\cdot 256/r+r-1}$ which is decreasing for $r<120$. However, we have no such decomposition (of dimension $>2$) and the final degree is too high for every decomposition. ```sage print(semaev(2,a=0,b=7)) print(semaev(3,a=0,b=7)) ``` **Idea:** We can modify the trick with small $l$ and $lk$ with decomposition. Instead of requiring $l$ to be small we can require $l_1,l_2$ to be small in $l=l_1+l_2\lambda$. This gives us twice (in bits) the freedom for $l$. But still not enough. **Idea:** Can we decompose using anything other maps than endomorphisms, possibly general maps? We just need $kP = k_1P+k_2\alpha(P)$ for one point $P$ (if $\alpha$ is a homomorphism then it holds for all $P$ (cyclic group)) #### DCP transport Let $E:y^2=x^3+b \to E':y^2=x^3+u^6b$ be an isomorphism given by $\mu_u: (x,y) \mapsto (xu^2,yu^3)$ - if $f=x_1+x_2$: then if $P,Q$ is a solution to DCP(k) on $E$ then $\mu_u(P), \mu_u(Q)$ is a solution to DCP(k) on $E'$. This follows from $x_1+x_2=0$ $\iff$ $u^2x_1+u^2x_2=0$. Hence if we solve DCP on any curve iso to E then we have a solution on E. *The problem is to solve this anywhere in the isomorphism class* - if $f=x_1x_2+1$ and $P,Q=kP$ are any points on $E$ such that $-x_1x_2$ is a quadratic residue, i.e. $-x_1x_2=u^2$, then $\mu_{u^{-1/2}}(P)$, $\mu_{u^{-1/2}}(Q)$ is a solution of DCP(k) on $E': y^2=x^3+u^3b$ (this is possibly a twist depending on whether $u$ is a square). We can therefore find a solution of DCP on some curve in the isomorphism class of $E$ but we have no control on which curve. *The problem is to solve this exactly on curve $E$* *It is easy to find a solution on some curve in the isomorphism class* - if $f=y_1+y_2$ then $x_1^3=x_2^3$ and hence $x_1 = \beta x_2$, $x_1 = \beta^2 x_2$ or $x_1 = x_2$ which means that $k \in \{\pm 1, \pm \lambda, \pm \lambda^2\}$. *The problem is easy but almost always has no solution* ```sage #help(dcp_instance) E, P, Q, k = dcp_instance(bits = 20) assert k*P==Q and P[0]*Q[0]+1==0 ``` #### $m_k$ transport Clearly for any isomorphims $\mu: E:y^2=x^3+b \to E':y^2=x^3+u^6b$ we have $\mu(kP)=k\mu(P)$. If we denote $m_k(b,x)$ as multiplication map on curve with coefficient $b$, then $um_k(b,x)=m_k(bu^3,ux)$. In particular $xm_k(b,x) = m_k(bx^3,x^2)$. - If $x_1+m_k(b,x_1)=0$ which equivalent to $1+m_k(b',1)=0$ for $b'=b/x^3$. *The goal is to find a curve on which the point with $x$-coordinate 1 multiplies-by-k to a points with $x$-coordinate -1* - If $x_1x_2=-1$ is equivalent to $m_k(bx_1^3,x_1^2)=-1$ #### $\lambda$ transport $m_{k\lambda}(x)= m_k(\beta x) = \beta m_k(x)$ implies: - if $x_1+x_2=0$ then $x_1$ is a solution to $x+m_{k_1}(x)=0$, $\beta x+m_{k_2}(x)=0$, $\beta^2x+m_{k_3}(x)=0$ where $k_1=k,k_2=\lambda k, k_3 = \lambda^2 k$ - if $x_1x_2=-1$ then $x_1$ is a solution to $xm_{k_1}(x)=-1$, $xm_{k_2}(x)=-\beta$, $xm_{k_3}(x)=-\beta^2$ Experimentally, gcd between every 2 is $x+x_1$ or a quadratic/cubic polynomial (in the rare case of two/three solutions). **Idea**: use "recursive gcd" using for example $\psi_{m+n}\psi_{m-n}\psi_{r}^2= \psi_{m+r}\psi_{m-r}\psi_{n}^2+\psi_{n+r}\psi_{n-r}\psi_{m}^2$. Another approach is to use Bezout identity: If $e_1$ and $e_2$ are two polynomials with the solution $x_1$ as a common root, consider $u(x)e_1(x)+v(x)e_2(x)=x+x_1$. We can evaluate $e_1,e_2$ at any point, can we do the same for $u,v$? Notice that if $k=0 \pmod 3$ and $b$ is a quadratic residue then $(0,\sqrt{b})$ is a point of order 3 and hence $e_1(0)=0$. ```sage Es, P, Q, k = dcp_instance(p=350.next_prime()) n = Es.order() p = Es.base_field().order() print(f"DCP instance for x1*x2+1=0: {Es},P={P},Q={Q},k={k}") lamb,beta = find_lambda(Es) k1,k2,k3 = k,(lamb*k)%n,(lamb**2*k)%n print(f"k1: {k1}, k2: {k2}, k3: {k3}") x = PolynomialRing(Es.base_field(),'x').gen() mk1_num = Es._multiple_x_numerator(k1, x) mk1_den = Es._multiple_x_denominator(k1, x) mk2_num = Es._multiple_x_numerator(k2, x) mk2_den = Es._multiple_x_denominator(k2, x) mk3_num = Es._multiple_x_numerator(k3, x) mk3_den = Es._multiple_x_denominator(k3, x) # For f = x_1*x_2+1=0: eq1 = x*mk1_num+mk1_den eq2 = x*mk2_num+beta*mk2_den eq3 = x*mk3_num+beta**2*mk3_den print(gcd(eq1,eq2).roots(multiplicities=False)) ``` <!-- #region --> **Another viewpoint:** Is the DCP problem difficult on every curve of given bitlength? The DLP is weak is on the following curves: - smooth order - low embedding degree - supersingular curves (low e.d.) - not really weak on curves with low CM-discriminant (such as Bitcoin curve) The DCP and the DLP problem can be thought of as inverse problems: Consider the set $S = \{(P,Q)\mid f(P_x,Q_x)=0\}$. - Given a tuple $(P,Q)\in S$ find $k$ such that $kP=Q$ is the DLP (not the general but almost all DLPs have the same difficulty) - Given a scalar $k$ find a tuple $(P,Q)\in S$ such that $kP=Q$ is the DCP <!-- #endregion --> #### Space of freedom Define the following types: - Multiscalars $M=\{(k_1,\dots,k_m)\mid a_i \in \mathbb{F}_n, m \in \mathbb{N}\}$. This represents a factorization of a scalar. We identify $(k_i)$ with $k_i$. - $\lambda$-tuples $T_{\lambda} = \{[k_1,k_2]\in \mathbb{F}_n\times\mathbb{F}_n\}$ which represent scalar decompositions $k_1+k_2\lambda$ We also denote $MT_{\lambda}$ a set of rooted trees where each node is of two types: $M$ or $T_{\lambda}$. To each node we additionally assign a scalar represented by the type (factorization, decompozition). The edges are defined as follows: - if $V=(k_1,\dots,k_m)\in M$, then $V$ has $m$ children with assigned scalars $k_1,\dots$ and $k_m$ - if $V=[k_1,k_2] \in T_{\lambda}$, then $V$ has two children with assigned scalars $k_1$ and $k_2$. Moreover the root and leafs are multiscalars of length 1. <!-- #raw --> Example: The scalar 36 can be represented as a $MT_{2}$ tree: 36(M) / | \ 4(M) 3(T_2) 3(M) / \ 1(M) 1(M) <!-- #endraw --> We consider the following functions on the nodes of trees in $MT_{\lambda}$: - $\lambda$-decomposition $F_1$: Given a leaf $V\in M$: change the leaf to decomposition node (with two children) - $\lambda$-division $F_2$: Given a leaf $V \in M$: divide the leaf by $\lambda$ - factorization (not necessarily full) $F_3$: change the leaf to a multiscalar (with children) - multiplication $F_4$: Given a multiscalar with leafs as children, change the node to a leaf - $l$-inverse $F_5$: Given a leaf $V$ with scalar $k$, change it to a multiscalar (with children) $(lk,l^{-1})$ - $\lambda$-composition $F_6$: Given a $T_{\lambda}$ node with (two) children as leafs, change the node to a leaf by composing "back" **Idea:** The goal is to start with a given scalar $k$ and a corresponding one-node tree, apply functions $F_i$ repeatedly with a one-node tree as a result which has small enough scalar Problem: include the $l$-trick somehow (two trees?) #### Another pathological case The DCP problem for $f=x_1+x_2$ is easy on curves $E:y^2=x^3+ax$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ for $p=1\pmod 4$. For such curves the map $(x,y)\mapsto(-x,iy)$, for $i=\sqrt{-1}$, is an endomorphism. The characteristic equation is $x^2+1=0 \pmod m$ where $m$ is the order of $(x_1,y_1)$ (found out experimentally). Here we are not considering the group order as the modulus as the curve never has a prime order (Why?). Anyway, if $k$ exists then it must be the root of the equation modulo some divisor of the group order. ```sage ```