diff --git a/context_ner.py b/context_ner.py
index 33dba8b609c864ee74384c237117ae38e270686a..a43ad8586297410584a9071127be6c3c1a103c71 100755
--- a/context_ner.py
+++ b/context_ner.py
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def add_ner(db, context_window, model, verbose=False):
-def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part):
+def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part='', preloaded=False):
     sentence_phrases = []
     for sent_phr in phrs:
         phr_per_sent = []
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part):
             p_content = []
             for w_id_cx in p:
                 if part:
-                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, part))
+                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, parts=part, preloaded=preloaded))
-                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx))
+                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, preloaded=preloaded))
     return sentence_phrases
diff --git a/context_np.py b/context_np.py
index da676a4b8be7595a32d11b9b1257e57c97119391..e3e66fcf13e5d461f9ad33ac92369ded58b48a34 100755
--- a/context_np.py
+++ b/context_np.py
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ def add_np_phrases(db, context_window, num_phr_per_sent, w2v, verbose=False):
-def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part):
+def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part='', preloaded=False):
     sentence_phrases = []
     for sent_phr in phrs:
         phr_per_sent = []
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part):
             p_content = []
             for w_id_cx in p:
                 if part:
-                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, part))
+                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, parts=part, preloaded=preloaded))
-                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx))
+                    p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, preloaded=preloaded))
     return sentence_phrases
diff --git a/context_previous_senteces.py b/context_previous_senteces.py
index ca1e91d4f7113774501a47d9d439e1815a9e9077..c5389fd79781584845ebd45ee793d63588391876 100755
--- a/context_previous_senteces.py
+++ b/context_previous_senteces.py
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ def add_ctx(db, number, verbose=False):
                 db._p_changed = True
-def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part):
+def get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part='', preloaded=False):
     content = []
     for p in phrs:
         p_content = []
         for w_id_cx in p:
             if part:
-                p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, part))
+                p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, parts=part, preloaded=preloaded))
-                p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx))
+                p_content.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id_cx, preloaded=preloaded))
     return content
diff --git a/query_database.py b/query_database.py
index 973c9a0754241207b6e97aa79dfffc29d9f83a5e..b63a131e59a92d4ec0228231c3006fdfb18b5cc1 100755
--- a/query_database.py
+++ b/query_database.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import context_previous_senteces
 import context_ner
-def get_ctx(data, vocabulary, part='', context_type=''):
+def get_ctx(data, vocabulary, part='', context_type='', preloaded=False):
     sentence_phrases = {}
     if context_type:
         required_ctx = context_type.strip().split(';')
@@ -19,44 +19,48 @@ def get_ctx(data, vocabulary, part='', context_type=''):
     for ctx_type, phrs in data.items():
         if ctx_type in required_ctx or 'all' in required_ctx:
             if ctx_type.startswith('name_phrs'):
-                sentence_phrases[ctx_type] = context_np.get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part)
+                sentence_phrases[ctx_type] = context_np.get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part=part, preloaded=preloaded)
             elif ctx_type.startswith('ctx_ner'):
-                sentence_phrases[ctx_type] = context_ner.get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part)
+                sentence_phrases[ctx_type] = context_ner.get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part=part, preloaded=preloaded)
-                sentence_phrases[ctx_type] = context_previous_senteces.get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part)
+                sentence_phrases[ctx_type] = context_previous_senteces.get_ctx(phrs, vocabulary, part=part,
+                                                                               preloaded=preloaded)
     return sentence_phrases
-def get_senence(data, vocabulary, part=''):
+def get_senence(data, vocabulary, part='', preloaded=False):
     sent = []
     for w_id in data:
         if part:
-            sent.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id, part))
+            sent.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id, parts=part, preloaded=preloaded))
-            sent.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id))
+            sent.append(id2word(vocabulary, w_id, preloaded=preloaded))
     return sent
-def get_content(data, vocabulary, part=''):
+def get_content(data, vocabulary, part='', preloaded=False):
     result = []
     for sentence in data:
-        result.append(get_senence(sentence, vocabulary, part))
+        result.append(get_senence(sentence, vocabulary, part=part, preloaded=preloaded))
     return result
-def get_content_ctx(url, kb, vocabulary, part='', context_type=''):
+def get_content_ctx(url, kb, vocabulary, part='', context_type='', preloaded=False):
     result = []
     for sentence in kb.url2doc.get(url)['text']:
-        result.append({'sent': get_senence(sentence['sent'], vocabulary, part),
-                       'ctx': get_ctx(sentence['ctx'], vocabulary, part, context_type)})
+        result.append({'sent': get_senence(sentence['sent'], vocabulary, part=part, preloaded=preloaded),
+                       'ctx': get_ctx(sentence['ctx'], vocabulary, part=part, context_type=context_type,
+                                      preloaded=preloaded)})
     return result
-def get_record(db, record_id, word_parts='', context_type=''):
+def get_record(db, record_id, word_parts='', context_type='', vocabulary=None, qa_type_dict=None, kb=None, preloaded=False):
     record = db.get_record(record_id)
-    vocabulary, qa_type_dict, kb = db.get_dicts()
+    if not vocabulary and not qa_type_dict and not kb:
+        print('Not preloaded data')
+        vocabulary, qa_type_dict, kb = db.get_dicts()
     result data structure
     {rec_id: str,
@@ -74,13 +78,15 @@ def get_record(db, record_id, word_parts='', context_type=''):
     data['rec_id'] = record.rec_id
     data['q_type'] = id2qt(qa_type_dict, record.q_type)
     data['a_type'] = id2qt(qa_type_dict, record.a_type)
-    data['question'] = get_content(record.question, vocabulary, word_parts)
-    data['a_sel'] = get_content(record.answer_selection, vocabulary, word_parts)
+    data['question'] = get_content(record.question, vocabulary, part=word_parts, preloaded=preloaded)
+    data['a_sel'] = get_content(record.answer_selection, vocabulary, part=word_parts, preloaded=preloaded)
     data['a_sel_pos'] = record.text_answer_position
-    data['a_ext'] = get_content(record.answer_extraction, vocabulary, word_parts)
+    data['a_ext'] = get_content(record.answer_extraction, vocabulary, part=word_parts, preloaded=preloaded)
     data['similar_answers'] = record.similar_answers
-    data['text_title'] = get_content(kb.url2doc.get(record.text)["title"], vocabulary, word_parts)
-    data['text'] = get_content_ctx(record.text, kb, vocabulary, word_parts, context_type)
+    data['text_title'] = get_content(kb.url2doc.get(record.text)["title"], vocabulary, part=word_parts,
+                                     preloaded=preloaded)
+    data['text'] = get_content_ctx(record.text, kb, vocabulary, part=word_parts, context_type=context_type,
+                                   preloaded=preloaded)
     data['contain_answer'] = len(record.similar_answers["sents_containing_ans_ext"])
     data['not_contain_answer'] = len(data['text'])-len(record.similar_answers["sents_containing_ans_ext"])
@@ -131,7 +137,7 @@ def print_record(db, record_id, context_type=''):
             if key.startswith('name_phrs'):
             elif key.startswith('ctx_ner'):
-                    context_ner.print_ctx(phrs)
+                context_ner.print_ctx(phrs)
diff --git a/sqad_db.py b/sqad_db.py
index a93dace51cfd6fab781ae845e56bdf7c4efcca6d..b498dabbb921b10efde554570066f0d8e149f4a0 100755
--- a/sqad_db.py
+++ b/sqad_db.py
@@ -25,24 +25,40 @@ def word2id(vocabulary, word, lemma, tag, w2v):
         return key
-def id2word(vocabulary, key, parts=''):
+def id2word(vocabulary, key, parts='', preloaded=False):
     result = {}
     word_parts = parts.strip().split(';')
-    if 'w' in word_parts or not parts:
-        result['word'] = vocabulary.id2wlt[key]['word']
-    if 'l' in word_parts or not parts:
-        result['lemma'] = vocabulary.id2wlt[key]['lemma']
-    if 't' in word_parts or not parts:
-        result['tag'] = vocabulary.id2wlt[key]['tag']
-    if 'v100' in word_parts or not parts:
-        result['v100'] = vocabulary.vectors[key][0]
-    if 'v300' in word_parts or not parts:
-        result['v300'] = vocabulary.vectors[key][1]
-    if 'v500' in word_parts or not parts:
-        result['v500'] = vocabulary.vectors[key][2]
-    if 'id' in word_parts or not parts:
-        result['id'] = key
+    if preloaded:
+        if 'w' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['word'] = vocabulary['id2wlt'][key]['word']
+        if 'l' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['lemma'] = vocabulary['id2wlt'][key]['lemma']
+        if 't' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['tag'] = vocabulary['id2wlt'][key]['tag']
+        if 'v100' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['v100'] = vocabulary['vectors'][key][0]
+        if 'v300' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['v300'] = vocabulary['vectors'][key][1]
+        if 'v500' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['v500'] = vocabulary['vectors'][key][2]
+        if 'id' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['id'] = key
+    else:
+        if 'w' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['word'] = vocabulary.id2wlt[key]['word']
+        if 'l' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['lemma'] = vocabulary.id2wlt[key]['lemma']
+        if 't' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['tag'] = vocabulary.id2wlt[key]['tag']
+        if 'v100' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['v100'] = vocabulary.vectors[key][0]
+        if 'v300' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['v300'] = vocabulary.vectors[key][1]
+        if 'v500' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['v500'] = vocabulary.vectors[key][2]
+        if 'id' in word_parts or not parts:
+            result['id'] = key
     return result