From 739d31395c747d07cf1640c07d0796fccee56955 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Glosner <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 10:56:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] * run formatter

* grammar fix

* format and make text clearer

* update FE-BE initial communication with login
 docs/tech/architecture/ | 186 ++++++++---------------------
 docs/tech/              |  84 +++++++------
 2 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/tech/architecture/ b/docs/tech/architecture/
index 4c978d2..9ca4452 100644
--- a/docs/tech/architecture/
+++ b/docs/tech/architecture/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ enhancing modularity and scalability within the system.
 The architecture of the IXP can be visualized as follows:
-``` mermaid
 flowchart LR
     A --> C(FRONTEND)
@@ -25,31 +25,32 @@ flowchart LR
 This diagram illustrates the high-level architecture of the IXP.
 It is composed out of these parts:
-* Frontend: The frontend component serves as the user interface of the IXP,
+- Frontend: The frontend component serves as the user interface of the IXP,
   allowing users to interact with the system.
   It includes four main parts:
-    * Trainee View: This view is designed for trainees participating in tabletop exercises.
-      It provides functionalities tailored to their role, such as accessing exercise scenarios,
-      submitting responses, and general interaction with the exercise.
-    * Instructor View: This view is tailored for instructors or facilitators overseeing tabletop exercises.
-      It offers capabilities for monitoring trainee progress, and providing guidance during the exercise.
-    * Analytics: The analytics view provides insights and analytics related to the tabletop exercises conducted on the platform.
-      It includes metrics such as participation rates, completion times, and performance trends.
-    * Exercise Panel: The exercise panel enables users to view and manage exercises available on the platform,
-      including creating new exercises, editing existing ones, and organizing exercise-related resources.
-* Backend: The backend component serves as the backbone of the INJECT platform, handling data management,
+  - Trainee View: This view is designed for trainees participating in tabletop exercises.
+    It provides functionalities tailored to their role, such as accessing exercise scenarios,
+    submitting responses, and general interaction with the exercise.
+  - Instructor View: This view is tailored for instructors or facilitators overseeing tabletop exercises.
+    It offers capabilities for monitoring trainee progress, and providing guidance during the exercise.
+  - Analytics: The analytics view provides insights and analytics related to the tabletop exercises conducted on the platform.
+    It includes metrics such as participation rates, completion times, and performance trends.
+  - Exercise Panel: The exercise panel enables users to view and manage exercises available on the platform,
+    including creating new exercises, editing existing ones, and organizing exercise-related resources.
+- Backend: The backend component serves as the backbone of the INJECT platform, handling data management,
   authentication, and communication with the frontend.
   It includes several parts:
-    * Exercises: This module manages the creation, modification,
-      and storage of tabletop exercises on the platform.
-    * Exercise Definitions: The exercise definitions module stores templates and definitions for different types of exercises.
-      These definitions include details such as injects, emails and tools.
-      It also checks and ensures that definitions are correctly configured and set up.
-      For a more in-depth explanation of definitions, please refer to [definitions documentation](definitions/
-    * Running Exercise: This module manages the execution and runtime aspects of tabletop exercises,
-      including tracking the progress of ongoing exercises and managing the flow of injects.
-    * Authentication: Handles user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access to the platform's functionalities.
+  - Exercises: This module manages the creation, modification,
+    and storage of tabletop exercises on the platform.
+  - Exercise Definitions: The exercise definitions module stores templates and definitions for different types of exercises.
+    These definitions include details such as injects, emails and tools.
+    It also checks and ensures that definitions are correctly configured and set up.
+    For a more in-depth explanation of definitions, please refer to [definitions documentation](definitions/
+  - Running Exercise: This module manages the execution and runtime aspects of tabletop exercises,
+    including tracking the progress of ongoing exercises and managing the flow of injects.
+  - Authentication: Handles user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access to the platform's functionalities.
 ## Used Technology
@@ -58,165 +59,74 @@ It is composed out of these parts:
 The backend component of the IXP is built using Python and Django, a high-level web development framework.
 Key components of the backend architecture include:
-* Python Backend: The backend of the IXP is implemented using Python.
-* Django Framework: Django, the most popular web development framework for Python,
+- Python Backend: The backend of the IXP is implemented using Python.
+- Django Framework: Django, the most popular web development framework for Python,
   is used to build the backend application.
   Django provides robust features for database management, user authentication, and more.
-* GraphQL API: The backend exposes a GraphQL API for communication with the frontend.
+- GraphQL API: The backend exposes a GraphQL API for communication with the frontend.
   GraphQL allows efficient data fetching and enables the client to request only the data it needs.
-* Django REST Framework: For file transfers and other functionalities not supported by GraphQL,
+- Django REST Framework: For file transfers and other functionalities not supported by GraphQL,
   a REST API is implemented using Django REST Framework.
 ### Frontend Technology
 The frontend component of the IXP utilizes modern web technologies including:
-* React Frontend: The frontend application of the IXP is developed using React, library for building user interfaces.
-* TypeScript: TypeScript is used instead of JavaScript to ensure type safety and improve code quality.
-* React Hooks: React hooks play a crucial role in modern React programming,
+- React Frontend: The frontend application of the IXP is developed using React, library for building user interfaces.
+- TypeScript: TypeScript is used instead of JavaScript to ensure type safety and improve code quality.
+- React Hooks: React hooks play a crucial role in modern React programming,
   providing essential features such as state management and performing side effects.
-* Libraries and Tools: Various libraries and tools, including Yarn, Vite, Apollo Client, and Generouted,
+- Libraries and Tools: Various libraries and tools, including Yarn, Vite, Apollo Client, and Generouted,
   are utilized for package management, building, data management, and routing within the frontend application.
 ## Security overview
 ### Authentication
-Authentication on the INJECT platform is fundamental to ensuring secure access to its features and resources.
-Leveraging Django's built-in session system, the platform utilizes cookies as a means to authenticate client requests.
+Authentication on the INJECT Exercise Platform is fundamental to ensuring secure access to its features and resources.
+Leveraging Django's (modified) built-in session system, the platform uses HTTP header as a means to authenticate client requests.
 ### Authentication Process Overview
 The authentication process involves the following steps:
   Client->>Server: Get backend version
-  Server->>Client: Responds with backend version and SET_COOKIE
+  Server->>Client: Respond with backend
+  Client->>Client: Check version compatibility
-1. Client → Server: Get the backend version from the REST API.
-  (No cookies are set yet.)
-2. Client ← Server: Responds with backend version and `SET_COOKIE`
-  with `CSRF cookie` needed for POST actions.
+1. Client → Server: Gets the backend version from the REST API.
-At this stage, the client has obtained the _CSRF cookie_.
-Since the client is not yet authenticated, any requests made will include `AnonymousUser`as the requester's identity,
-indicating an unauthenticated state.
-All subsequent POST requests from the client must include both the _csrf cookie_ and the _X-csrftoken header_.
+2. Client ← Server: Responds with backend version.
-The client can now make requests to endpoints that do not require authentication.
-For every request, the server checks for a match between the _csrf cookie_ and the _X-csrftoken header_
-to prevent cross-site request forgery.
-POST requests that do not contain matching _csrf cookie_ and _X-csrftoken header_ will fail
-with response `403 Forbidden`.
+3. Client: Checks the compatibility between client and backend versions and display an error in case of incompatible versions.
 The next crucial step in the process is **login**:
-``` mermaid
-  Client->>Server: Sends login request on GraphQL login endpoint
-  Server->>Client: Server generates new session
+  Client->>Server: Send login request (username with password) on REST API
+  Server->>Client: Send session identifier
-3. Client → Server: Sends a login request on the GraphQL endpoint (login mutation) containing the username and password.
+3. Client → Server: Sends a login request on the REST endpoint containing the username and password.
 4. Client ← Server: If the provided credentials are valid, the server generates a _new session_,
-setting the _user_ attribute of the session to the corresponding user that has successfully authenticated.
-The server then responds with a `SET_COOKIE` header, containing both the new `sessionid` cookie and a new `csrf` cookie.
+   setting the _user_ attribute of the session to the corresponding user that has successfully authenticated.
+   The server then responds with a _sessionid_, containing identifier of users session.
-The client is expected to drop the old _csrf cookie_ and replace them with the new one.
-Also, every request from now on should contain _X-csrftoken_ value of the _**new** csrf cookie_.
+From now on, the client requests are authenticated by the HTTP header that contains the _sessionid_ (session identifier).
 For further information, refer to the official documentation on:
-* [Django Sessions](
-* [CSRF Protection](
+- [Django Sessions](
 ### Basic authentication
 For the purposes of more convenient development, basic authentication is also supported
 for the REST API according to the [RFC 2617]( standard.
-### Authorization
-### Process of Authorization
-Every endpoint resolver (in REST API and GraphQL), which allows access to data that should not be visible to everyone, should be decorated by decorators.
-The INJECT authorization schema functions on the combinations of these decorators:
-#### protected
-  - takes as an argument permission needed for accessing the endpoint
-  - Role-based access control -> checks whether the requester is assigned to a group with the required permission
-  - if request is unauthenticated, it automatically denies access
-@protected(required_permission: str)
-def resolver_function():
-    pass
-#### extra_protected
-  - takes `Enum Check` value
-  ```python
-  class Check(str, Enum):
-    TEAM_ID = "team_id"
-    EXERCISE_ID = "exercise_id"
-    DEFINITION_ID = "definition_id"
-    LOG_ID = "log_id"
-    THREAD_ID = "thread_id"
-    VISIBLE_ONLY = "visible_only"
-  ```
-  - based on the value of the argument, checks whether the requester has access to a specific resource
-  - utilizes Access-controll list
-  - given argument must occur as a key-word argument of the endpoint resolver
-  - works by extracting the Check keyword value and executing the relevant check function
-  - if request is unauthenticated, it automatically denies access
-@extra_protected(check: Check)
-def resolver_function(argument):
-    pass
-  - example usage:
-def resolver_function(team_id: str):
-    pass
-#### input_object_protected
-  - works on the same principle as **extra_protected** but instead of _Check enum argument, it takes the name of the input object argument.
-  - internally uses the same check functions as **extra_protected**, but differs in the extraction of the needed value for the check.
-@input_object_protected(object_name: str)
-def resolver():
-    pass
-- example usage:
-def resolver_function(create_exercise_input: CreateExerciseInput):
-    pass
-The best authorization control and functionality are achieved by combining the mentioned decorators. This way, you can set up more granular and specific checks. For example:
-# Accessible only to the trainees assigned to the team with an ID equal to the team_id (inheritably for the instructors of the exercise, where the team with "team_id" belongs to)
-@protected(Perms.view_trainee_info) # view_trainee_info is permission for the trainee role
-def resolver(team_id: str):
-    pass
-# Accessible only to the instructors of the exercise, where the thread with "thread_id" was created
-@protected(Perms.analytics_view) # analytics_view is the permission of the instructor role
-def resolver(thread_id):
-    pass
 <div class="navigation" markdown>
   [&larr; Installation overview](../installation/{ .md-button }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/tech/ b/docs/tech/
index 772659e..1748a60 100644
--- a/docs/tech/
+++ b/docs/tech/
@@ -123,50 +123,46 @@ There are multiple ways to assign users to an exercise
 ### Manual assignment
-You can assign users 'manually' by adding one or multiple
-users to team or remove them utilizing the list of all present users on the platform.
-This use case is ideal for situations when the distribution of users into teams
-is uncertain during the preparation or for the situations when you need to edit
-semi-automatically created assignments.
+You can assign users 'manually' by adding one or multiple users to a team or remove them utilizing the list of all present users on the platform.
+This use case is ideal for situations when the distribution of users into teams is uncertain during the preparation or for the situations when you need to edit semi-automatically created assignments.
 ### Semi-automatic assignment
 You can utilize one of the three options for semi-automatic assignment:
-- **Assign equally**: The platform will automatically assign selected users to teams
-  while trying to preserve balance between teams. Possible cases and their behavior:
+#### **Assign equally**
+- The platform automatically assigns selected users to teams while trying to preserve balance between teams.
+  Possible cases and their behavior:
   - _Number of users < number of teams_: First _n_ teams will be assigned one user each.
-    The rest number (number_of_teams - number_of_users) of teams will be left empty.
+    The rest (number_of_teams - number_of_users) of teams will be left empty.
   - _Number of users = number of teams_: Every team will have assigned exactly one user.
-  - _Number of users > number of teams_: Starting with the first user, placing them on the
-    first team. Then, moving to the second user and placing them on the second team, and so on.
+  - _Number of users > number of teams_: Starting with the first user, placing him/her on the
+    first team. Then, moving to the second user and placing him/her on the second team, and so on.
     Once a user is assigned to the last team, the algorithm loops back around and assign
-    the next user to the first team again. This continues until all users are assigned to a team.\
+    the next user to the first team. This continues until all users are assigned to a team.
     Example situation – assigning 10 users (user1 to user10) to 3 teams
     would end up with this distribution:
     - team1: user1, user4, user7, user10
     - team2: user2, user5, user8
     - team3: user3, user6, user9
-  - WARNING: This feature does not work with _role exercise_.
+- If some users are already assigned in the exercise, they will not be reassigned based on the new assigning.
+- WARNING: This feature _does not work_ with _role exercise_.
+#### **Assign by tags**
-- **Assign by tags**: The platform automatically distributes users to teams based on the tags
-  (with chosen prefix) of the selected users. Let's illustrate this functionality on the example:
-  - Image we have users (trainees) and their tags in the brackets (these tags were assigned
-    via CSV file):
+- The platform automatically distributes users to teams based on the tags
+  (with chosen prefix) of the selected users. Let's illustrate this functionality on the following example:
+  - Imagine, we have users (trainees) and their tags in the brackets (these tags were assigned via CSV file):
     - trainee1 (PowerPlantTTX-team1, HealthCareEX-team3)
     - trainee2 (PowerPlantTTX-team1, HealthCareEX-team2)
     - trainee3 (PowerPlantTTX-team3, HealthCareEX-team3)
     - trainee4 (PowerPlantTTX-team2, HealthCareEX-team1)
   - Now, we want to assign trainees 1-4 to our tabletop exercise about power plant crisis.
-    We knew beforehand how we want to distribute them to teams in this exercise and created
-    the appropriate tags. We used `PowerPlantTTX` or `PowerPlantTTX-` as our prefix to
-    distinguish between other tags.
-  - The platform will now take the selected users and finds a tag with a given prefix
-    (which must be provided, in our case `PowerPlantTTX`) for each user. The users
-    will be assigned by lexicographic ordering of suffix parts. In this case:
+    We knew beforehand how we want to distribute them to teams in this exercise and created the appropriate tags.
+    We used `PowerPlantTTX` or `PowerPlantTTX-` as our prefix to distinguish between other tags.
+  - The platform will now take the selected users and find a tag with a given prefix (which must be provided, in our case `PowerPlantTTX`) for each user.
+    The users will be assigned by lexicographic ordering of suffix parts. In this case:
     - trainee1 and trainee2 will be assigned to the first team
     - trainee4 will be assigned to second team
     - trainee3 will be assigned to the third team
@@ -174,23 +170,23 @@ You can utilize one of the three options for semi-automatic assignment:
     - trainee4 in the first team
     - trainee2 in the second team
     - trainee1 and trainee3 in the third team
-  - Following **rules have to be complied** with to make this assignment by tags possible:
-    - Prefix parts have to be unique (which can be achieved by making them long enough).
-      If we had tags `EXERCISE_t1` and `EX_t1` and we would want to use the `EX_t1` we would
-      need to use prefix `EX`, which would also match with `EXERCISE_t1` and could cause
-      incorrect assignment (if we used prefix `EX_`we would dodge the match with other tag).
-      To simplify the prefix is checked as a match for the first characters of the tags.
-    - Prefix match is case sensitive.
-    - Suffixes can have any values, which can be lexicographically ordered (correct examples
-      where `Exercise` or `Exercise-` are the prefix):
-      - Exercise-1, Exercise-2, Exercise-3 (those with 1 will be assigned to first team, those with 2 to second...)
-      - Exercise-a, Exercise-b, Exercise-c (those with _a_ will be assigned to first team, those with _b_ to second...)
-      - Exercise-t1, Exercise-t2, Exercise-t3 (those with _t1_ will be assigned to first team, those with _t2_ to second...)
-    - If there are more tags matching the prefix than the number of present teams, the operation will fail. Either the number
-      of teams has to be increased, users with tags that exceed number of teams would need to be removed from selection,
-      or the exceeding tags would need to be removed.
-  - WARNING: This feature does not work with _role exercise_.
-- **Copy existing assignment**: The platform copies assignments of users and teams from a selected exercise.
-  - Requires that the exercises matches in the number of teams, otherwise fails.
-  - Simply transfers assignment meaning the members of the first team from a selected exercise
-    will be members of the first team in the current exercise.
+- The following **rules have to be complied with** to make this assignment possible:
+  - Prefix parts have to be unique for given assignment (which can be achieved by making them long enough).
+    If we had tags `EXERCISE_t1` and `EX_t1` and we would want to use the `EX_t1` we would need to use prefix `EX`, which would also match with `EXERCISE_t1` and could cause incorrect assignment (if we used prefix `EX_`we would dodge the match with other tag).
+    To simplify the prefix is checked as a match for the first characters of the tags.
+  - Prefix match is case sensitive.
+  - Suffixes can have any values, which can be lexicographically ordered (correct examples where `Exercise` or `Exercise-` are the prefix):
+    - Exercise-1, Exercise-2, Exercise-3 (those with 1 will be assigned to first team, those with 2 to second...)
+    - Exercise-a, Exercise-b, Exercise-c (those with _a_ will be assigned to first team, those with _b_ to second...)
+    - Exercise-t1, Exercise-t2, Exercise-t3 (those with _t1_ will be assigned to first team, those with _t2_ to second...)
+  - If there are more tags matching the prefix than the number of present teams, the operation will fail. Either the number
+    of teams has to be increased, users with tags that exceed number of teams would need to be removed from selection,
+    or the exceeding tags would need to be removed.
+- WARNING: This feature does not work with _role exercise_.
+#### **Copy existing assignment**
+- The platform copies assignments of users and teams from a selected exercise to another.
+- Requires that the exercises match in the number of teams, otherwise the operation fails.
+- Simply transfers assignment meaning the members of the first team from a selected exercise
+  will be members of the first team in the another exercise.