diff --git a/docs/tech/architecture/definitions/README.md b/docs/tech/architecture/definitions/README.md
index 1ba29e15997a0ace73a5b4d48754ba6f0180cf95..fa508d6c4f883286c7e7c6ec206a5784562cb692 100644
--- a/docs/tech/architecture/definitions/README.md
+++ b/docs/tech/architecture/definitions/README.md
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ Each learning objective has the following fields:
 - **order**: _int, default=0_ - order of the objective,
   defines the order in which objectives will be displayed for instructors,
 - **activities**: - list of learning activities
-  - **name**: _string_ - name of the learning activity
-  - **description**: _string, default=""_ - description of the activity
-  - **tags**: _string, default=""_ - a comma-separated list of tags corresponding to this activity
-  - **milestones**: _list of strings, default=empty_ - list of milestones related to this activity,
-    a milestone can only be linked to _one_ activity
+    - **name**: _string_ - name of the learning activity
+    - **description**: _string, default=""_ - description of the activity
+    - **tags**: _string, default=""_ - a comma-separated list of tags corresponding to this activity
+    - **milestones**: _list of strings, default=empty_ - list of milestones related to this activity,
+      a milestone can only be linked to _one_ activity
 ### channels.yml
@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ their priority is determined by their `name` attribute.
   milestone modifications happen _after_ the alternative has been selected
 - **overlay**: _[overlay](#overlay), default=empty_
 - **confirmation**: _default=empty_ - adds a confirmation button to this alternative
-  - **text**: _string_ - the button text
-  - **control**: _[control](#control)_ - milestone modifications happen _after_ a team presses the button,
-    milestone condition and roles cannot be specified
+    - **text**: _string_ - the button text
+    - **control**: _[control](#control)_ - milestone modifications happen _after_ a team presses the button,
+      milestone condition and roles cannot be specified
 #### Alternatives: _email_
@@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ Each tool has the following fields:
   A response is matched when its conditions are met.
   When trainees use a tool, the list of responses is examined from top to bottom and
   only the **first** matched response is sent back.
-  - **param**: _string_ - A parameter that is matched **exactly** to the input of trainees.
-    Can be written as [Python regular expression](https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html) if parameter `regex` is set to true.
-  - **regex**: _bool, default=False_ - Determines whether parameter `param` is matched as a string or a regex.
-  - **time**: _int, default=0_ - Time since the beginning of the exercise in minutes after which this response can be matched.
-    If the trainees use correct param but this time was not reached yet, it will not match.
-  - **content**: _[content](#content), default=empty_
-  - **control**: _[control](#control), default=empty_ - milestone condition is checked when a response is being selected,
-    milestone modifications are triggered _after_ this response has been selected
+    - **param**: _string_ - A parameter that is matched **exactly** to the input of trainees.
+      Can be written as [Python regular expression](https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html) if parameter `regex` is set to true.
+    - **regex**: _bool, default=False_ - Determines whether parameter `param` is matched as a string or a regex.
+    - **time**: _int, default=0_ - Time since the beginning of the exercise in minutes after which this response can be matched.
+      If the trainees use correct param but this time was not reached yet, it will not match.
+    - **content**: _[content](#content), default=empty_
+    - **control**: _[control](#control), default=empty_ - milestone condition is checked when a response is being selected,
+      milestone modifications are triggered _after_ this response has been selected
 ### milestones.yml
@@ -278,13 +278,13 @@ This file contains all milestones in an exercise.
 Any `milestone_condition` or `(de)activate_milestone` field in the whole definition can only contain milestones defined in here.
 Each milestone has the following fields:
-- **name**: _string, unique_ - Name of the milestone. \
+- **name**: _string, unique_ - Name of the milestone.
   Rules for the naming of the milestones:
-  - A name must start with a letter or the underscore character
-  - A name cannot start with a number
-  - A name can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and \_ )
-  - Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)
-  - A name must be continuous string -> a name can not contain spaces
+    - A name must start with a letter or the underscore character
+    - A name cannot start with a number
+    - A name can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and \_ )
+    - Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)
+    - A name must be continuous string -> a name can not contain spaces
 - **display_name**: _string, default=name_ - display name of the milestone
 - **description**: _string, default=""_ - description of the milestone
 - **tags**: _list of strings, default=empty_ - optional list of tags related to the milestone
@@ -308,11 +308,11 @@ This file contains all email addresses where each address has the following fiel
 - **team_visible**: _bool, default=False_ - Specifies if this email address should be visible to the teams.
 - **organization**: _string, default=""_ - Name of the organization this email address belongs to.
 - **templates**: _not required_ - A list of template emails that the instructor can choose from when writing an email.
-  - **context**: _string_ - Description of the context of this email answer for the instructor.
-  - **subject**: _string_ - subject of the email thread when sending this template
-  - **content**: _[content](#content), default=empty_
-  - **control**: _[control](#control), default=empty_ - milestone condition and roles cannot be specified,
-    milestone modifications are triggered once the template is sent
+    - **context**: _string_ - Description of the context of this email answer for the instructor.
+    - **subject**: _string_ - subject of the email thread when sending this template
+    - **content**: _[content](#content), default=empty_
+    - **control**: _[control](#control), default=empty_ - milestone condition and roles cannot be specified,
+      milestone modifications are triggered once the template is sent
 ### roles.yml
@@ -337,10 +337,10 @@ Each questionnaire has the following fields:
   the milestone modifications are triggered once _after_ the questionnaire has been answered fully (all questions answered)
 - **overlay**: _[overlay](#overlay), default=empty_
 - **questions**: details specified bellow
-  - **content**: _[content](#content), default=empty_ - should contain the text of the question
-  - **type**: _string, default="radio"_ - type of the question, determines what fields can be specified,
-    currently supported values are `radio` and `free-form`
-  - **note**: _string, default=""_ - add a stylized note _after_ the question
+    - **content**: _[content](#content), default=empty_ - should contain the text of the question
+    - **type**: _string, default="radio"_ - type of the question, determines what fields can be specified,
+      currently supported values are `radio` and `free-form`
+    - **note**: _string, default=""_ - add a stylized note _after_ the question
 #### Question: radio