% \file{locale/english.def} % This is the base file of the English locale. It defines all the % private macros mandated by the locale file interface. % % \iffalse %<*base> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/english.def}[2015/04/18] % Placeholders \def\thesis@english@placeholders@title{Thesis Title} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@keywords{keyword1, keyword2, ...} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@abstract{Abstract text} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@author{Author's name} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@author@firstName{Name} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@author@surname{Surname} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@universityName{University name} \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty name} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@advisor{% \thesis@english@advisorTitle's name} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@department{Department name} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@programme{Study programme name} \def\thesis@english@placeholders@field{The field of study} \def\thesis@english@assignment{Replace this page with a copy of the official signed thesis assignment.} \def\thesis@english@declaration{Declaration text ...} % Miscellaneous \def\thesis@english@fieldTitle{Field of study} \def\thesis@english@advisorTitle{Advisor} \def\thesis@english@authorTitle{Author} \def\thesis@english@abstractTitle{Abstract} \def\thesis@english@keywordsTitle{Keywords} \def\thesis@english@thanksTitle{Acknowledgement} \def\thesis@english@declarationTitle{Declaration} \def\thesis@english@winter{Spring} \def\thesis@english@summer{Fall} \def\thesis@english@semester{% \thesis@{english@\thesis@season}\ \thesis@year} \def\thesis@english@typeName{% \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors% Bachelor's Thesis% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters% Master's Thesis% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@doctoral% Doctoral Thesis% \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous% Rigorous Thesis% \else% <<Unknown thesis type (\thesis@type)>>% \fi\fi\fi\fi} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</base> % \fi\file{locale/mu/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Masaryk % University in Brno. It replaces the \texttt{universityName} % placeholder with the correct value and defines the % \texttt{declarationEn} string. % \iffalse %<*mu> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/english.def}[2015/04/18] \def\thesis@english@universityName{Masaryk University} \def\thesis@english@declaration{% Hereby I declare that this paper is my original authorial work, which I have worked out by my own. All sources, references and literature used or excerpted during elaboration of this work are properly cited and listed in complete reference to the due source.} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu> % \fi\file{locale/mu/law/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of Law at % the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value. % \iffalse %<*mu/law> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/law/english.def}[2015/04/18] \def\thesis@english@facultyName{The Faculty of Law of the Masaryk University} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/law> % \fi\file{locale/mu/fsps/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of Sports % Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value. % \iffalse %<*mu/fsps> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/fsps/english.def}[2015/04/18] % Placeholders \def\thesis@english@placeholders@field{The specialization name} \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Sports Studies} % Miscellaneous \def\thesis@english@fieldTitle{Specialization} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/fsps> % \fi\file{locale/mu/fss/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of Social % Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} and \texttt{placeholders@assignment} % strings with the correct value. % \iffalse %<*mu/fss> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/fss/english.def}[2015/04/18] % Placeholders \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Social Studies} \def\thesis@english@assignment{Replace this page with a copy of the official signed thesis assignment or the copy of the Statement of an Author or both, depending on the requirements of the respective department.} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/fss> % \fi\file{locale/mu/econ/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of % Economics and Administration at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. % \iffalse %<*mu/econ> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/econ/english.def}[2015/04/18] \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Economics and Administration} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/econ> % \fi\file{locale/mu/med/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of % Medicine at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and redefines the \texttt{abstractTitle} string % with the common usage at the faculty. The file also defines the % The file also defines the \texttt{bib@title} and % \texttt{bib@pages} strings required by the % |\thesis@blocks@bibEntry| block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis3-med.sty} style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/med> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/med/english.def}[2015/04/18] % Miscellaneous \def\thesis@english@abstractTitle{Annotation} % Placeholders \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Medicine} % Bibliographic entry \def\thesis@english@bib@title{Bibliographic record} \def\thesis@english@bib@pages{p} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/med> % \fi\file{locale/mu/fi/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of % Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and updates the \texttt{placeholders@assignment} % string in accordance with the requirements of the faculty. % The file also defines the \texttt{advisorSignature} string % required by the |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| block defined % within the \texttt{style/mu/fithesis3-fi.sty} style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/fi> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/fi/english.def}[2015/04/26] % Placeholders \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Informatics} \def\thesis@english@assignment{Replace this page with a copy of the official signed thesis assignment and the copy of the Statement of an Author.} % Others \def\thesis@english@advisorSignature{Signature of Thesis \thesis@english@advisorTitle} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/fi> % \fi\file{locale/mu/phil/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of % Arts at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. % \iffalse %<*mu/phil> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/phil/english.def}[2015/04/18] \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Arts} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/phil> % \fi\file{locale/mu/ped/english.def} % This is the Slovak locale file specific to the Faculty of % Education at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value. The file also defines the % \texttt{bib@title} and \texttt{bib@pages} strings required by the % |\thesis@blocks@bibEntry| block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis3-ped.sty} style file. % \iffalse %<*mu/ped> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/ped/english.def}[2015/04/26] % Placeholders \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Education} % Bibliographic entry \def\thesis@english@bib@title{Bibliographic record} \def\thesis@english@bib@pages{p} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/ped> % \fi\file{locale/mu/sci/english.def} % This is the English locale file specific to the Faculty of % Science at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It defines the private macros required by the % |\thesis@blocks@bibEntryEn| block defined within the % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis3-sci.sty} style file. % It also replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and redefines the \texttt{advisorTitle} string in % accordance with the formal requirements of the faculty. % \iffalse %<*mu/sci> % \fi\begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFile{fithesis3/locale/mu/sci/english.def}[2015/04/18] % Placeholders \def\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Science} % Miscellaneous \let\thesis@english@advisorTitleEn=\thesis@english@bib@advisor % Bibliographic entry \def\thesis@english@bib@title{Bibliographic entry} \let\thesis@english@bib@author\thesis@english@authorTitle \def\thesis@english@bib@thesisTitle{Title of Thesis} \def\thesis@english@bib@programme{Degree Programme} \let\thesis@english@bib@field\thesis@english@fieldTitle \def\thesis@english@bib@advisor{Supervisor} \def\thesis@english@bib@academicYear{Academic Year} \def\thesis@english@bib@pages{Number of Pages} \let\thesis@english@bib@keywords\thesis@english@keywordsTitle % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/sci> % \fi