PDFFILES=fi-pdflatex.pdf fi-lualatex.pdf sci-pdflatex.pdf sci-lualatex.pdf \ ped-pdflatex.pdf ped-lualatex.pdf med-pdflatex.pdf med-lualatex.pdf \ fss-pdflatex.pdf fss-lualatex.pdf fsps-pdflatex.pdf fsps-lualatex.pdf \ phil-pdflatex.pdf phil-lualatex.pdf law-pdflatex.pdf law-lualatex.pdf \ econ-pdflatex.pdf econ-lualatex.pdf PDFLATEX=pdflatex --shell-escape LUALATEX=lualatex AUXFILES=*.aux *.log *.out *.toc *.lot *.lof *.bcf *.blg *.run.xml \ *.bbl *.idx *.ind *.ilg *.markdown.* AUXDIRS=_markdown-*/ _markdown_*/ _minted-*/ OUTPUT=$(PDFFILES) $(PDFFILES:.pdf=.tex) .PHONY: all clean all: $(OUTPUT) clean # This target extracts TeX files from within a DTX archive # and removes the autogenerated preambles and postambles. %-pdflatex.tex %-lualatex.tex: %.ins example.dtx xetex $< sed -ni '/^%\{3,\}/,/^\\end{document}/p' \ $(patsubst %-pdflatex.tex,%-,$(subst lua,pdf,$@))*.tex # This target typesets a pdfLaTeX example. %-pdflatex.pdf: %-pdflatex.tex example.bib example-terms-abbrs.tex $(PDFLATEX) $< # The initial typesetting. biber $(basename $<).bcf $(PDFLATEX) $< # Update the index after the bibliography insertion. texindy -I latex -C utf8 -L english $(basename $<).idx $(PDFLATEX) $< # The final typesetting, now also with index. $(PDFLATEX) $< # This target typesets a LuaLaTeX example. %-lualatex.pdf: %-lualatex.tex example.bib example-terms-abbrs.tex $(LUALATEX) $< # The initial typesetting. biber $(basename $<).bcf $(LUALATEX) $< # Update the index after the bibliography insertion. texindy -I latex -C utf8 -L english $(basename $<).idx $(LUALATEX) $< # The final typesetting, now also with index. $(LUALATEX) $< # This target removes any auxiliary files. clean: rm -f $(AUXFILES) rm -rf $(AUXDIRS) # This target removes any auxiliary files # and the output PDF files. implode: clean rm -f $(OUTPUT)