diff --git a/example/mu/example.dtx b/example/mu/example.dtx index 7e948d0a953d906ccfb675ac75ed9b96351e85ba..8820995e612624daf7797627d6c72224ee6aa492 100644 --- a/example/mu/example.dtx +++ b/example/mu/example.dtx @@ -61,16 +61,11 @@ \usepackage[resetfonts]{cmap} %% We need to load the T2A font encoding \usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc} %% to use the Cyrillic fonts with Russian texts. \usepackage[ -%<*sci> - main=slovak, %% By using `czech` or `english` as the main locale - %% instead of `slovak`, you can typeset the thesis - %% in either Czech or English, respectively. -%</sci> -%<*econ,fi,fsps,fss,law,med,ped,phil> +%<*econ,fi,fsps,fss,law,med,ped,phil,sci> main=english, %% By using `czech` or `slovak` as the main locale %% instead of `english`, you can typeset the thesis %% in either Czech or Slovak, respectively. -%</econ,fi,fsps,fss,law,med,ped,phil> +%</econ,fi,fsps,fss,law,med,ped,phil,sci> english, german, russian, czech, slovak %% The additional keys allow ]{babel} %% foreign texts to be typeset as follows: %% @@ -466,61 +461,25 @@ date = \the\year/\the\month/\the\day, university = mu, faculty = sci, - department = Ăšstav matematiky a štatistiky, - departmentEn = Department of Mathematics and + department = Department of Mathematics and Statistics, - extra = { - departmentCs = Ăšstav matematiky a statistiky, - }, - programme = Matematika, - programmeEn = Mathematics, - extra = { - programmeCs = Matematika, - }, - field = FinanÄŤná a poistná matematika, - fieldEn = Financial and Insurance Mathematics, - extra = { - fieldCs = FinanÄŤnĂ a pojistná matematika, - }, + programme = Mathematics, + field = Financial and Insurance Mathematics, type = bc, author = Jane Doe, gender = f, advisor = {Prof. RNDr. John Smith, CSc.}, - title = PrincĂpy matematickej sadzby v programe TeX, - TeXtitle = PrincĂpy matematickej sadzby\\v~programe \TeX, - titleEn = The Principles of the Typesetting of + title = The Principles of the Typesetting of Mathematics in TeX: the Program, - TeXtitleEn = The Principles of the Typesetting of + TeXtitle = The Principles of the Typesetting of Mathematics in \TeX: the Program, - extra = { - titleCs = Principy matematickĂ© sazby v programu TeX, - TeXtitleCs = Principy matematickĂ© sazby\\v~programu \TeX, - }, - keywords = {kľúčovĂ© slovo 1, kľúčovĂ© slovo 2, ...}, - TeXkeywords = {kľúčovĂ© slovo 1, kľúčovĂ© slovo 2, \ldots}, - keywordsEn = {keyword1, keyword2, ...}, - TeXkeywordsEn = {keyword1, keyword2, \ldots}, - extra = { - keywordsCs = {klĂÄŤovĂ© slovo 1, klĂÄŤovĂ© slovo 2, ...}, - TeXkeywordsCs = {klĂÄŤovĂ© slovo 1, klĂÄŤovĂ© slovo 2, \ldots}, - }, + keywords = {keyword1, keyword2, ...}, + TeXkeywords = {keyword1, keyword2, \ldots}, abstract = {% This is the abstract of my thesis, which can span multiple paragraphs. }, - abstractEn = {% - This is the English abstract of my thesis, which can - - span multiple paragraphs. - }, - extra = { - abstractCs = {% - This is the Czech abstract of my thesis, which can - - span multiple paragraphs. - }, - }, thanks = {% These are the acknowledgements for my thesis, which can diff --git a/fithesis.dtx b/fithesis.dtx index d075cd3e66f4c6b88155b1edb24cf5cf9c442a81..df1432174575ea372224947ae659da6219c73cdc 100644 --- a/fithesis.dtx +++ b/fithesis.dtx @@ -1953,6 +1953,10 @@ % of the author's signature field % \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@formattedDate| -- A formatted % date +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} +% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@advisorSignature| -- The label +% of the author's signature field % \end{itemize} where \textit{locale} is the name of the locale. % % \def\file#1{\paragraph{The \texttt{#1} file}} diff --git a/locale/czech.dtx b/locale/czech.dtx index 6ebaa7d3e68ba298e7eadc1a5b5285f757a82250..afcdc85551474e520ff20bbeb17bf3017eb7164d 100644 --- a/locale/czech.dtx +++ b/locale/czech.dtx @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ % This is the base file of the Czech locale.\iffalse %<*base> % \fi\begin{macrocode} -\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-czech.def}[2017/07/09] +\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-czech.def}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The locale file defines all the private macros mandated by the % locale file interface. @@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ % RĹŻznĂ© \gdef\thesis@czech@authorSignature{% Podpis autor\ifthesis@woman ky\else a\fi} +% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} +% \begin{macrocode} +\gdef\thesis@czech@advisorSignature{Podpis vedoucĂho} \gdef\thesis@czech@fieldTitle{Obor} \gdef\thesis@czech@advisorTitle{VedoucĂ práce} \gdef\thesis@czech@authorTitle{Autor} @@ -347,15 +352,13 @@ % Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno. % It replaces the \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the % correct value and redefines the \texttt{declaration} string in -% accordance with the requirements of the faculty. The file also -% defines the \texttt{advisorSignature} string required by the -% |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| block defined within the -% \texttt{style/mu/\discretionary{}{}{}fithesis-fi.sty} -% style file. +% accordance with the requirements of the faculty. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} % \iffalse %<*mu/fi> % \fi\begin{macrocode} -\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-czech.def}[2016/05/25] +\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-czech.def}[2021/02/26] % ZástupnĂ© texty \gdef\thesis@czech@facultyName{Fakulta informatiky} @@ -377,7 +380,6 @@ s~uvedenĂm ĂşplnĂ©ho odkazu na pĹ™ĂslušnĂ˝ zdroj.} % OstatnĂ -\gdef\thesis@czech@advisorSignature{Podpis vedoucĂho} \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName@proposal{Teze disertaÄŤnĂ práce} \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName@akuzativ@proposal{Tezi disertaÄŤnĂ práce} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse diff --git a/locale/english.dtx b/locale/english.dtx index a1792c0878ec1c26f6900a542aafe0ba614556c9..137e64fd148b776607e870170aab4413b7fb401d 100644 --- a/locale/english.dtx +++ b/locale/english.dtx @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ % This is the base file of the English locale.\iffalse %<*base> % \fi\begin{macrocode} -\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-english.def}[2017/09/08] +\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-english.def}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The locale file defines all the private macros mandated by the % locale file interface. @@ -65,6 +65,12 @@ % Miscellaneous \gdef\thesis@english@authorSignature{Author's signature} +% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} +% \begin{macrocode} +\gdef\thesis@english@advisorSignature{Signature of Thesis + \thesis@english@advisorTitle} \gdef\thesis@english@fieldTitle{Field of study} \gdef\thesis@english@advisorTitle{Advisor} \gdef\thesis@english@authorTitle{Author} @@ -292,15 +298,13 @@ % Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value and % redefines the string in accordance with the requirements of the -% faculty. The file also defines the \texttt{advisorSignature} -% string required by the |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| block defined -% within the -% \texttt{style/mu/\discretionary{}{}{}fithesis-fi.sty} -% style file. +% faculty. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} % \iffalse %<*mu/fi> % \fi\begin{macrocode} -\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-english.def}[2016/05/25] +\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-english.def}[2021/02/26] % Placeholders \gdef\thesis@english@facultyName{Faculty of Informatics} @@ -318,8 +322,6 @@ \fi} % Others -\gdef\thesis@english@advisorSignature{Signature of Thesis - \thesis@english@advisorTitle} \gdef\thesis@english@typeName@proposal{Ph.D. Thesis Proposal} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse %</mu/fi> diff --git a/locale/slovak.dtx b/locale/slovak.dtx index a1eb00126938a54ef3987bcb2aba64ca09606629..5bf5b7e1bda55fd28843eca1f59de1d3c411bba9 100644 --- a/locale/slovak.dtx +++ b/locale/slovak.dtx @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ % This is the base file of the Slovak locale.\iffalse %<*base> % \fi\begin{macrocode} -\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-slovak.def}[2017/07/09] +\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/fithesis-slovak.def}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The locale file defines all the private macros mandated by the % locale file interface. @@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ % RĂ´zne \gdef\thesis@slovak@authorSignature{% Podpis autor\ifthesis@woman ky\else a\fi} +% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} +% \begin{macrocode} +\gdef\thesis@slovak@advisorSignature{Podpis vedĂşceho} \gdef\thesis@slovak@fieldTitle{Odbor} \gdef\thesis@slovak@advisorTitle{VedĂşci práce} \gdef\thesis@slovak@authorTitle{Autor} @@ -355,15 +360,13 @@ % Informatics at the Masaryk University in Brno. It replaces the % \texttt{facultyName} placeholder with the correct value and % redefines the \texttt{declaration} string in accordance with the -% requirements of the faculty. The file also defines the -% \texttt{advisorSignature} string required by the -% |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| block defined within the -% \texttt{style/mu/\discretionary{}{}{}fithesis-fi.sty} -% style file. +% requirements of the faculty. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} % \iffalse %<*mu/fi> % \fi\begin{macrocode} -\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-slovak.def}[2016/05/25] +\ProvidesFile{fithesis/locale/mu/fi/fithesis-slovak.def}[2021/02/26] % ZástupnĂ© texty \gdef\thesis@slovak@facultyName{Fakulta informatiky} @@ -385,7 +388,6 @@ s~uvedenĂm ĂşplnĂ©ho odkazu na prĂslušnĂ˝ zdroj.} % RĂ´zne -\gdef\thesis@slovak@advisorSignature{Podpis vedĂşceho} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@proposal{TĂ©zy dizertaÄŤnej práce} \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@akuzativ@proposal{TĂ©zy dizertaÄŤnej práce} % \end{macrocode}\iffalse diff --git a/style/mu/base.dtx b/style/mu/base.dtx index 6365951959cfc9410a66f5db1bed6bd305b0eddd..d1d773f08e63c03917c2a5be8e3503eb10453698 100644 --- a/style/mu/base.dtx +++ b/style/mu/base.dtx @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ % after \texttt{style/fithesis-base.sty}, regardless of the value % of the |\thesis@style| macro. % \begin{macrocode} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-base}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-base}[2021/02/26] \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % \end{macrocode} % The file recognizes the following options: \begin{itemize} @@ -801,92 +801,126 @@ {\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@place, \thesis@@{semester}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} +% \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@advisorSignature} +% The |\thesis@blocks@advisorSignature| macro produces space for +% the thesis advisor's signature. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{thesis@blocks@advisorSignature} macro is now defined +% for styles of all faculties at the Masaryk University in Brno, +% not just for the Faculty of Informatics, and is automatically +% used in the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage} macro for rigorous +% theses and PhD thesis proposals. [VN]} +% \begin{macrocode} +\def\thesis@blocks@advisorSignature{% + \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A} + \settowidth{\@A}{\thesis@@{advisorSignature}} + \setlength{\@A}{\@A+1cm} + \hfill\raisebox{-0.5em}{\parbox{\@A}{ + \centering + \rule{\@A}{1pt}\\ + \thesis@@{advisorSignature} + }}}% +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@titlePage} % The |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| macro typesets the thesis -% title page. It is composed of three macros: -% \begin{itemize} -% \item|\thesis@blocks@titlePage@header| -- The header of the -% cover page -% \item|\thesis@blocks@titlePage@content| -- The content of the -% cover page -% \item|\thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer| -- The footer of the -% cover page -% \end{itemize} -% This allows the subsequently loaded style files to only redefine -% certain parts of the title page. +% title page. % \changes{v1.0.0}{2018/11/18}{^^A % The \cs{bfseries} command switches to the sans serif typeface % and to the secondary color in the style files of the Masaryk % University in Brno, Czech Republic. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage{% - \thesis@blocks@clear - \begin{alwayssingle}% - \color{thesis@color@secondary}% - \thispagestyle{empty}% - \begin{center}% - \thesis@blocks@titlePage@header - \thesis@blocks@facultyLogo@color\\[0.4in]% - \let\footnotesize\small - \let\footnoterule\relax{}% - \thesis@blocks@titlePage@content - \par\vfill - \thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer - \end{center}% - \end{alwayssingle}} -% \end{macrocode} -% The output of the |\thesis@blocks@titlePage@header| macro is +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage} command no longer consists +% of the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@header}, +% \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@content}, and +% \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer} macros, which are no +% longer defined. [VN]} +% The output of the |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| macro is % controlled by the following conditionals: % \begin{enumerate} -% \item|\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@university@| -- This -% conditional expression determines, whether the university -% name is going to be included in the header of the title -% page. The default value of this conditional is -% \texttt{true}. -% \item|\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@faculty@| -- This -% conditional expression determines, whether the faculty of -% study is going to be included in the header of the title -% page. The default value of this conditional is -% \texttt{true}. % \item|\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@department@| -- This % conditional expression determines, whether the department -% name is going to be included in the header of the title -% page. The default value of this conditional is -% \texttt{false}. +% name is going to be included in the title page. The +% default value of this conditional is \texttt{true}. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@department@} conditional +% now defaults to \texttt{true}. [VN]} % \item|\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@field@| -- This % conditional expression determines, whether the field of -% study is going to be included in the header of the title -% page. The default value of this conditional is -% \texttt{false}. +% study is going to be included in the title page. The +% default value of this conditional is \texttt{true}. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@field@} conditional +% now defaults to \texttt{true}. [VN]} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@university@} and +% \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@faculty@} conditionals +% are no longer defined. [VN]} +% \item|\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@programme@| -- This +% conditional expression determines, whether the study +% programme is going to be included in the title page. The +% default value of this conditional is \texttt{false}. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@programme@} conditional +% is now defined and defaults to \texttt{false}. [VN]} % \end{enumerate} % The sebsequently loaded style files can modify the value of these % conditionals to alter the output of the -% |\thesis@blocks@titlePage@header| macro without altering its -% definition. +% |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| macro without altering its definition. % \begin{macrocode} -\newif\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@university@ -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@university@true -\newif\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@faculty@ -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@faculty@true \newif\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@department@ -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@department@false +\thesis@blocks@titlePage@department@true \newif\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@field@ -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@field@false +\thesis@blocks@titlePage@field@true +\newif\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@programme@ +\thesis@blocks@titlePage@programme@true -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@header{% - {\sc\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@university@ - \thesis@titlePage@LARGE\thesis@@{universityName}\\% - \fi\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@faculty@ - \thesis@titlePage@Large\thesis@@{facultyName}\\% - \fi\ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@department@ - \thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@department@name\\% - \fi} - \ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@field@ - {\thesis@titlePage@large\vskip 1em% - {\bf\thesis@@{fieldTitle}:} \thesis@field@name}% - \fi\vskip 2em} -\let\thesis@blocks@titlePage@content=\thesis@blocks@cover@content -\let\thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer=\thesis@blocks@cover@footer +\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage{% + \thesis@blocks@clear + \begin{alwayssingle}% + \thispagestyle{empty}% + \begin{center}% + \thesis@blocks@universityLogo@color[width=6.3cm]% + \par\vspace{0.75cm}% + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@@upper{facultyName}}% + \par\vspace{1.75cm}% + {\bf\thesis@titlePage@Huge\thesis@TeXtitle}% + \par\vspace{1.75cm}% + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@Large\thesis@@{typeName}} + \par\vfill + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@LARGE\thesis@upper{author}}% + \par\vfill\vfill + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@@{advisorTitle}: \thesis@advisor}% + \par\vspace{0.75cm}% + \ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@department@ + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@department@name} + \par\vspace{0.25cm}% + \fi + \ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@programme@ + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@@{programmeTitle}: \thesis@programme}% + \fi + \ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@field@ + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@@{fieldTitle}: \thesis@field@name}% + \fi + \par\vfill + {\sf\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@place, \thesis@@{semester}% +% \end{macrocode} +% If this is a rigorous thesis or a PhD thesis proposal, create +% space for the advisor's signature. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{thesis@blocks@advisorSignature} macro is now defined +% for styles of all faculties at the Masaryk University in Brno, +% not just for the Faculty of Informatics, and is automatically +% used in the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage} macro for rigorous +% theses and PhD thesis proposals. [VN]} +% \begin{macrocode} + \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous + \thesis@blocks@advisorSignature + \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@proposal + \thesis@blocks@advisorSignature + \fi\fi}% + \end{center}% + \end{alwayssingle}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@toc} % The |\thesis@blocks@toc| macro typesets the table of contents. diff --git a/style/mu/econ.dtx b/style/mu/econ.dtx index 743aa315fa3b1df9bfc00bcae896c06afade543a..480b7e9936242fceedbc3ec2a022485a2cf7fac6 100644 --- a/style/mu/econ.dtx +++ b/style/mu/econ.dtx @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ % zaverecnych_pracich_2017.docx}}. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-econ}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-econ}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The file defines the color scheme of the respective faculty. Note % the the color definitions are in RGB, which makes the resulting @@ -88,43 +88,14 @@ \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} -% The style file configures the title page header to include the -% name of the field of study and redefines the title page content -% not to include the author's name and the title page footer -% to include both the author's and advisor's name, the year and -% place of the thesis defense in accordance with the formal -% requirements of the faculty. -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@field@true -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@content{% - {\thesis@titlePage@Huge\bf\thesis@TeXtitle} - \ifthesis@english\else - {\\[0.1in]\thesis@titlePage@Large\bf\thesis@TeXtitleEn} - \fi {\\[0.3in]\thesis@titlePage@large\sc\thesis@@{typeName}\\}} -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer{% - {\thesis@titlePage@large - {% Calculate the width of the thesis author and advisor boxes - \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A}\settowidth{\@A}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:}} - \let\@B\relax\newlength{\@B}\settowidth{\@B}{\thesis@advisor} - \let\@C\relax\newlength{\@C}\settowidth{\@C}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{authorTitle}:}} - \let\@D\relax\newlength{\@D}\settowidth{\@D}{\thesis@author} - \let\@left\relax\newlength{\@left}\pgfmathsetlength{\@left}{% - max(\@A,\@B)} - \let\@right\relax\newlength{\@right}\pgfmathsetlength{\@right}{% - max(\@C,\@D)} -% \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.49}{2018/02/11}{Removed an extraneous \cs{vskip} in % the style files for the Masaryk University in Brno. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} - % Typeset the thesis author and advisor boxes - \begin{minipage}[t]{\@left} - {\bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:}\\\thesis@advisor - \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{\@right} - {\bf\thesis@@{authorTitle}:}\\\thesis@author - \end{minipage}}\\[4em]\thesis@place, \thesis@year}} -% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The style files for the Faculty of Economics and Administration +% at the Masaryk University in Brno +% no longer redefine the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer} +% and \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@content} macros, which are no +% longer defined. [VN]} % \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@frontMatter} % The |\thesis@blocks@frontMatter| macro sets up the style % of the front matter of the thesis. The page numbering is arabic @@ -277,7 +248,7 @@ \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} - +% % Note that there is no direct support for the seminar paper and % thesis proposal types. If you would like to change the contents % of the preamble and the postamble, you should modify the diff --git a/style/mu/fi.dtx b/style/mu/fi.dtx index 4d14dc45f0538c707157f2b6f8c9286c63a0814e..5fd3e7c3de6e2ea54ec537ca106ce33b953d0ae7 100644 --- a/style/mu/fi.dtx +++ b/style/mu/fi.dtx @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ % \url{http://www.fi.muni.cz/docs/BP_DP_na_FI.pdf}.}. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-fi}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-fi}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The file defines the color scheme of the respective faculty. Note % the the color definitions are in RGB, which makes the resulting @@ -40,51 +40,15 @@ \thesis@blocks@assignment@false \fi\fi % \end{macrocode} -% \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@titlePage} -% The style file redefines the cover and title page footers to -% include the thesis advisor's name and signature in case of a -% rigorous thesis. Along with the macros required by the -% locale file interface, the locale files need to define the -% following strings: -% \begin{itemize} -% \item\texttt{advisorSignature} -- The label of the advisor -% signature field typeset in the case of rigorous theses -% \end{itemize} -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@advisor{% - {\thesis@titlePage@large\\[0.3in] - {\bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:} \thesis@advisor}} -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@content{% - {\thesis@titlePage@Huge\bf\thesis@TeXtitle\par\vfil}\vskip 0.8in - {\thesis@titlePage@large\sc\thesis@@{typeName}\\[0.3in]} - {\thesis@titlePage@Large\bf\thesis@author} - % If this is a rigorous thesis or a PhD thesis proposal, - % typeset the name of the thesis advisor. - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous - \thesis@blocks@advisor - \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@proposal - \thesis@blocks@advisor - \fi\fi}% -\def\thesis@blocks@advisorSignature{% - \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A} - \settowidth{\@A}{\thesis@@{advisorSignature}} - \setlength{\@A}{\@A+1cm} - \hfill\raisebox{-0.5em}{\parbox{\@A}{ - \centering - \rule{\@A}{1pt}\\ - \thesis@@{advisorSignature} - }}}% -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer{% - {\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@place, \thesis@@{semester} - % If this is a rigorous thesis or a PhD thesis proposal, - % create space for the advisor's signature. - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous - \thesis@blocks@advisorSignature - \else\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@proposal - \thesis@blocks@advisorSignature - \fi\fi}} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@declaration} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{thesis@blocks@advisorSignature} macro is now defined +% for styles of all faculties at the Masaryk University in Brno, +% not just for the Faculty of Informatics, and is automatically +% used in the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage} macro for rigorous +% theses and PhD thesis proposals. [VN]} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{Lifted the \texttt{advisorSignature} +% string to the global locale file interface. [VN]} +% \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@declaration} % The |\thesis@blocks@declaration| macro typesets the % declaration text. Compared to the definition within the % \texttt{style/mu/base.sty} file, this macro also diff --git a/style/mu/fsps.dtx b/style/mu/fsps.dtx index 93afdc84c23f1c13f381560ba3f6f449b86dc4b7..80218a81e368f7d04d556bb5c9160214fe4ee8d6 100644 --- a/style/mu/fsps.dtx +++ b/style/mu/fsps.dtx @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ % 5-2013.pdf}}. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-fsps}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-fsps}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The file defines the color scheme of the respective faculty. Note % the the color definitions are in RGB, which makes the resulting @@ -48,38 +48,13 @@ % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\parindent}{1.25cm} % \end{macrocode} -% The style file redefines the title page content -% not to include the author's name and the title page footer -% to include both the author's and advisor's name, the year and -% place of the thesis defense in accordance with the formal -% requirements of the faculty. -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer{% - {\thesis@titlePage@large - {% Calculate the width of the thesis author and advisor boxes - \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A}\settowidth{\@A}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:}} - \let\@B\relax\newlength{\@B}\settowidth{\@B}{\thesis@advisor} - \let\@C\relax\newlength{\@C}\settowidth{\@C}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{authorTitle}:}} - \let\@D\relax\newlength{\@D}\settowidth{\@D}{\thesis@author} - \let\@E\relax\newlength{\@E}\settowidth{\@E}{\thesis@field} - \let\@F\relax\newlength{\@F}\pgfmathsetlength{\@F}{max(\@D,\@E)} - \let\@left\relax\newlength{\@left}\pgfmathsetlength{\@left}{% - max(\@A,\@B)} - \let\@right\relax\newlength{\@right}\pgfmathsetlength{\@right}{% - max(\@C,\@F)} -% \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.49}{2018/02/11}{Removed an extraneous \cs{vskip} in % the style files for the Masaryk University in Brno. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} - % Typeset the thesis author and advisor boxes - \begin{minipage}[t]{\@left} - {\bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:}\\\thesis@advisor - \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{\@right} - {\bf\thesis@@{authorTitle}:}\\\thesis@author\\\thesis@field - \end{minipage}}\\[4em]\thesis@place, \thesis@year}} -% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The style files for the Faculty of Sports Studies +% at the Masaryk University in Brno no longer +% redefine the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer} macro, which +% is no longer defined. [VN]} % \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@frontMatter} % The |\thesis@blocks@frontMatter| macro sets up the style of the % front matter of the thesis. The leading is adjusted in diff --git a/style/mu/med.dtx b/style/mu/med.dtx index f93c4f890c07cc157b89f1c20c0bc01de5157810..e5f2049f68b92e3d066fe1df3bc7f8f5e176f6b5 100644 --- a/style/mu/med.dtx +++ b/style/mu/med.dtx @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ % ZITOSTI_ZAVERECNE_PRACE.doc}}. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-med}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-med}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The file defines the color scheme of the respective faculty. Note % the the color definitions are in RGB, which makes the resulting @@ -73,43 +73,14 @@ \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} -% The style file redefines the title page content -% not to include the author's name and the title page footer -% to include both the author's and advisor's name, the field of -% study and the semester and place of the thesis defense in -% accordance with the requirements of the department. -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@content{% - {\thesis@titlePage@Huge\bf\thesis@TeXtitle\\[0.3in]}% - {\thesis@titlePage@large{\sc\thesis@@{typeName}}\\}} -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer{% - {\thesis@titlePage@large - {% Calculate the width of the thesis author and advisor boxes - \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A}\settowidth{\@A}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:}} - \let\@B\relax\newlength{\@B}\settowidth{\@B}{\thesis@advisor} - \let\@C\relax\newlength{\@C}\settowidth{\@C}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{authorTitle}:}} - \let\@D\relax\newlength{\@D}\settowidth{\@D}{\thesis@author} - \let\@E\relax\newlength{\@E}\settowidth{\@E}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{fieldTitle}:}} - \let\@F\relax\newlength{\@F}\settowidth{\@F}{\thesis@field@name} - \let\@left\relax\newlength{\@left}\pgfmathsetlength{\@left}{% - max(\@A,\@B)} - \let\@right\relax\newlength{\@right}\pgfmathsetlength{\@right}{% - max(\@C,\@D,\@E,\@F)} -% \end{macrocode} % \changes{v0.3.49}{2018/02/11}{Removed an extraneous \cs{vskip} in % the style files for the Masaryk University in Brno. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} - % Typeset the thesis author and advisor boxes - \begin{minipage}[t]{\@left} - {\bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:}\\\thesis@advisor - \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[t]{\@right} - {\bf\thesis@@{authorTitle}:}\\\thesis@author - \\[1em]{\bf\thesis@@{fieldTitle}:}\\\thesis@field@name - \end{minipage}}\\[4em]\thesis@place, \thesis@@{semester}}} -% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The style files for the Faculty of Medicine +% at the Masaryk University in Brno +% no longer redefine the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@footer} +% and \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@content} macros, which are no +% longer defined. [VN]} % \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@frontMatter} % The |\thesis@blocks@frontMatter| macro sets up the style of the % front matter of the thesis. The page numbering is arabic in diff --git a/style/mu/ped.dtx b/style/mu/ped.dtx index 509652a17abb67222b4a7e624e172da50ba2767c..fc70a66b501b75ef117e51d741696d897b231e81 100644 --- a/style/mu/ped.dtx +++ b/style/mu/ped.dtx @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ % \url{http://moodlinka.ics.muni.cz/course/view.php?id=632}}. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-ped}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-ped}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The file defines the color scheme of the respective faculty. Note % the the color definitions are in RGB, which makes the resulting @@ -29,19 +29,14 @@ sorting=nty} \thesis@bibliography@load % \end{macrocode} -% The style file configures the title page header to include the -% department name and the title page content to include the -% advisor's name. -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@department@true -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage@content{% - {\thesis@titlePage@Huge\bf\thesis@TeXtitle\par\vfil}\vskip 0.8in - {\thesis@titlePage@large\sc\thesis@@{typeName}\\[0.3in]} - {\thesis@titlePage@Large\bf\thesis@author} - % Typeset the name of the thesis advisor. - {\thesis@titlePage@large\\[0.3in] - {\bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:} \thesis@advisor}} -% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@department@} conditional +% now defaults to \texttt{true}. [VN]} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The style files for the Faculty of Education +% at the Masaryk University in Brno no longer +% redefine the \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage@content} macro, which +% is no longer defined. [VN]} % Note that there is no direct support for the seminar paper and % thesis proposal types. If you would like to change the contents % of the preamble and the postamble, you should modify the diff --git a/style/mu/phil.dtx b/style/mu/phil.dtx index 792b64d568815291941d27ebef0005ccd1a453d7..0aa85ea95711d6e15c0b61f51da2792ad9ae9ada 100644 --- a/style/mu/phil.dtx +++ b/style/mu/phil.dtx @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ % racoviste/SO/vzory_praci/Vzor_bakalarske_prace.pdf}}. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-phil}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-phil}[2021/02/26] % \end{macrocode} % The file defines the color scheme of the respective faculty. Note % the the color definitions are in RGB, which makes the resulting @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ sorting=nty} \thesis@bibliography@load % \end{macrocode} -% The style file configures the title page header to include the -% department and the field name. -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@department@true -\thesis@blocks@titlePage@field@true -% \end{macrocode} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@department@} conditional +% now defaults to \texttt{true}. [VN]} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/02/26}{^^A +% The \cs{ifthesis@blocks@titlePage@field@} conditional +% now defaults to \texttt{true}. [VN]} % The style file parses the value of the |\thesis@department| macro % and recognizes the following divisions of the Faculty of Arts: % \begin{itemize} diff --git a/style/mu/sci.dtx b/style/mu/sci.dtx index c3f04d27ab35979294690ea5b9fc54526c063720..66cd69bc60bce2c67ef4a783752bdf7e5a07492b 100644 --- a/style/mu/sci.dtx +++ b/style/mu/sci.dtx @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ % y}}. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} -\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-sci}[2021/02/21] +\ProvidesPackage{fithesis/style/mu/fithesis-mu-sci}[2021/03/12] % \end{macrocode} % The file defines the color scheme of the respective faculty. Note % the the color definitions are in RGB, which makes the resulting @@ -30,429 +30,44 @@ sorting=none} \thesis@bibliography@load % \end{macrocode} -% The file uses Czech locale strings within the macros. -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@requireLocale{czech} -% \end{macrocode} -% \begin{macro}{\ifthesis@czech} -% The |\ifthesis@czech| \ldots |\else| \ldots |\fi| conditional is made -% available for testing, whether or not the current locale is Czech. % \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/23}{Defined the % \cs{ifthesis@czech} macro in % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty}. The patch was submitted by % Juraj Pálenik. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\ifthesis@czech{ - \expandafter\def\expandafter\@czech\expandafter{\string - \czech}% - \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter - \expandafter\expandafter\@locale\expandafter\expandafter - \expandafter{\expandafter\string\csname\thesis@locale\endcsname}% - \expandafter\csname\expandafter i\expandafter f\ifx\@locale - \@czech - true% - \else - false% - \fi\endcsname} -\ifthesis@czech - \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\let\expandafter\expandafter - \csname ifthesis@czech\endcsname\csname iftrue\endcsname -\else - \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\let\expandafter\expandafter - \csname ifthesis@czech\endcsname\csname iffalse\endcsname -\fi -% \end{macrocode} -% The file recognizes the following options: \begin{itemize} -% \item\texttt{abstractonsinglepage} -- The abstracts are going -% to be typeset on a single page as opposed to being spread -% across several pages. This is the default for theses whose main -% locale is neither Czech nor English. -% \end{itemize} % \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/24}{Defined the % \texttt{abstractonsinglepage} option in % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty}. The patch was submitted by % Juraj Pálenik. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\newif\ifthesis@abstractonsinglepage@ -\DeclareOption{abstractonsinglepage}{\thesis@abstractonsinglepage@true} -\ifthesis@czech\else\ifthesis@english\else - \ExecuteOptions{abstractonsinglepage} -\fi\fi -\ProcessOptions* -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro} -% The file loads the following packages: -% \begin{itemize} -% \item\textsf{tikz} -- Used for dimension arithmetic. -% \item\textsf{changepage} -- Used for width adjustments. -% \end{itemize} -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@require{tikz} -\thesis@require{changepage} -% \end{macrocode} -% In case of rigorous and doctoral theses, the style file hides the -% thesis assignment in accordance with the formal requirements of -% the faculty. -% \begin{macrocode} -\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@bachelors\else -\ifx\thesis@type\thesis@masters\else - \thesis@blocks@assignment@false -\fi\fi -% \end{macrocode} -% Enable the inclusion of the scanned assignment inside the digital -% version of the document. -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@blocks@assignment@hideIfDigital@false -% \end{macrocode} -% \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@bibEntry} -% The |\thesis@blocks@bibEntry| macro typesets a bibliographical -% entry. Along with the macros required by the locale file -% interface, the locale files need to define the following macros: -% \begin{itemize} -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@title| -- The title of the -% entire block -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@author| -- The label of the -% author name entry -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@title| -- The label of the -% title name entry -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@programme| -- The label of -% the programme name entry -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@field| -- The label of the -% field of study name entry -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@advisor| -- The label of -% the advisor name entry -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@academicYear| -- The label -% of the academic year entry -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@pages| -- The label of the -% number of pages entry -% \item|\thesis@|\textit{locale}|@bib@keywords| -- The label of -% the keywords entry -% \end{itemize} +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/12}{^^A +% The style file of the Faculty of Science at the Masaryk +% University in Brno, Czech Republic no longer defines the +% \cs{ifthesis@czech}, \cs{thesis@blocks@bibEntry}, +% \cs{thesis@blocks@bibEntryCs}, \cs{thesis@blocks@bibEntryEn}, +% \cs{thesis@blocks@abstractCs} macros, no longer defines the +% \texttt{abstractCs}, \texttt{programmeCs}, \texttt{fieldCs}, +% \texttt{titleCs}, \texttt{keywordsCs}, \texttt{departmentCs}, +% \texttt{TeXkeywordsCs}, and \texttt{TeXtitleCs} extra data +% fields, no longer defines the \texttt{abstractonsinglepage} +% option, and no longer overrides the \cs{thesis@blocks@cover}, +% \cs{thesis@blocks@titlePage}, \cs{thesis@blocks@thanks}, and +% \cs{thesis@blocks@declaration} macros. [VN]} % \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/26}{Bibliographical entries in % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty} now face each other when the % main locale is either Czech or English. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@bibEntry{% - \begin{alwayssingle}% - % Clear only the right page, if the main locale is Czech. - \ifthesis@czech - \begingroup - \let\thesis@blocks@clear\thesis@blocks@clearRight - \fi - \chapter*{\thesis@@{bib@title}}% - \ifthesis@czech - \endgroup - \fi - {% Calculate the width of the columns - \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A}\settowidth{\@A}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{bib@author}:}} - \let\@B\relax\newlength{\@B}\settowidth{\@B}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{bib@thesisTitle}:}} - \let\@C\relax\newlength{\@C}\settowidth{\@C}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{bib@programme}:}} - \let\@D\relax\newlength{\@D}\settowidth{\@D}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{bib@field}:}} - % Unless this is a rigorous thesis, we will be typesetting the - % name of the thesis advisor. - \let\@E\relax\newlength{\@E} - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous - \setlength{\@E}{0pt}% - \else - \settowidth{\@E}{{\bf\thesis@@{bib@advisor}:}} - \fi - \let\@F\relax\newlength{\@F}\settowidth{\@F}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{bib@academicYear}:}} - \let\@G\relax\newlength{\@G}\settowidth{\@G}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{bib@pages}:}} - \let\@H\relax\newlength{\@H}\settowidth{\@H}{{% - \bf\thesis@@{bib@keywords}:}} - \let\@skip\relax\newlength{\@skip}\setlength{\@skip}{16pt} - \let\@left\relax\newlength{\@left}\pgfmathsetlength{\@left}{% - max(\@A,\@B,\@C,\@D,\@E,\@F,\@G,\@H)} - \let\@right\relax\newlength{\@right}\setlength{\@right}{% - \textwidth-\@left-\@skip} - % Typeset the table - \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} - \noindent\begin{thesis@newtable@old}% - {@{}p{\@left}@{\hskip\@skip}p{\@right}@{}} - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@author}:} & - \noindent\parbox[t]{\@right}{ - \thesis@author\\ - \thesis@@{facultyName}, - \thesis@@{universityName}\\ - \thesis@department@name - }\\ - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@thesisTitle}:} - & \thesis@title \\ - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@programme}:} - & \thesis@programme \\ - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@field}:} - & \thesis@field@name \\ - % Unless this is a rigorous thesis, typeset the name of the - % thesis advisor. - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous\else - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@advisor}:} - & \thesis@advisor \\ - \fi - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@academicYear}:} - & \thesis@academicYear \\ - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@pages}:} - & \thesis@pages@preamble{} + \thesis@pages \\ - \textbf{\thesis@@{bib@keywords}:} - & \thesis@TeXkeywords \\ - \end{thesis@newtable@old}} - \end{alwayssingle}} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@bibEntryEn} -% The |\thesis@blocks@bibEntryEn| macro typesets a bibliographical -% entry in English unless the current locale is English. -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@bibEntryEn{% - \ifthesis@english\else - {\thesis@selectLocale{english} - \begin{alwayssingle} - \chapter*{\thesis@english@bib@title}% - {% Calculate the width of the columns - \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A}\settowidth{\@A}{{% - \bf\thesis@english@bib@author:}} - \let\@B\relax\newlength{\@B}\settowidth{\@B}{{% - \bf\thesis@english@bib@thesisTitle:}} - \let\@C\relax\newlength{\@C}\settowidth{\@C}{{% - \bf\thesis@english@bib@programme:}} - \let\@D\relax\newlength{\@D}\settowidth{\@D}{{% - \bf\thesis@english@bib@field:}} - % Unless this is a rigorous thesis, we will be typesetting - % the name of the thesis advisor. - \let\@E\relax\newlength{\@E} - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous - \setlength{\@E}{0pt}% - \else - \settowidth{\@E}{{\bf\thesis@english@bib@advisor:}} - \fi - \let\@F\relax\newlength{\@F}\settowidth{\@F}{{% - \bf\thesis@english@bib@academicYear:}} - \let\@G\relax\newlength{\@G}\settowidth{\@G}{{% - \bf\thesis@english@bib@pages:}} - \let\@H\relax\newlength{\@H}\settowidth{\@H}{{% - \bf\thesis@english@bib@keywords:}} - \let\@skip\relax\newlength{\@skip}\setlength{\@skip}{16pt} - \let\@left\relax\newlength{\@left}\pgfmathsetlength{\@left}{% - max(\@A,\@B,\@C,\@D,\@E,\@F,\@G,\@H)} - \let\@right\relax\newlength{\@right}\setlength{\@right}{% - \textwidth-\@left-\@skip} - % Typeset the table - \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} - \noindent\begin{thesis@newtable@old}% - {@{}p{\@left}@{\hskip\@skip}p{\@right}@{}} - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@author:} & - \noindent\parbox[t]{\@right}{ - \thesis@author\\ - \thesis@english@facultyName, - \thesis@english@universityName\\ - \thesis@departmentEn@name - }\\ - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@thesisTitle:} - & \thesis@titleEn \\ - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@programme:} - & \thesis@programmeEn \\ - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@field:} - & \thesis@fieldEn@name \\ - % Unless this is a rigorous thesis, typeset the name of the - % thesis advisor. - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous\else - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@advisor:} - & \thesis@advisor \\ - \fi - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@academicYear:} - & \thesis@academicYear \\ - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@pages:} - & \thesis@pages@preamble{} + \thesis@pages \\ - \textbf{\thesis@english@bib@keywords:} - & \thesis@TeXkeywordsEn \\ - \end{thesis@newtable@old}} - \end{alwayssingle} - }% - \fi} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@abstractCs} -% The |\thesis@blocks@abstractCs| macro typesets the -% abstract in Czech. If the current locale is Czech, the -% macro produces no output. The following extra data field is -% defined for the macro: \begin{itemize} -% \item|abstractCs| -- the Czech title of the thesis used for the -% typesetting. This extra data field will expand to -% |\thesis@abstract| if the current locale of the thesis -% is Czech. -% \end{itemize} % \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/28}{Defined the % \cs{thesis@blocks@abstractCs} macro in % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty}. The patch was submitted by % Juraj Pálenik. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@abstract - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@abstractCs - \fi -}]{abstractCs} -\def\thesis@blocks@abstractCs{% - \ifthesis@czech\else - {\thesis@selectLocale{czech}% - \begin{alwayssingle}% - \ifthesis@abstractonsinglepage@ - \thesis@blocks@clear - \else - % Start the new chapter without clearing the left page. - \thesis@blocks@clearRight - \fi - {\let\thesis@blocks@clear\relax - \chapter*{\thesis@czech@abstractTitle}% - \thesis@extra@abstractCs}% - \par\vfil\null - \end{alwayssingle}}% - \fi} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@bibEntryCs} -% The |\thesis@blocks@bibEntryCs| macro typesets a bibliographical -% entry in English unless the current locale is Czech. The -% macro uses the following extra data fields:\begin{itemize} -% \item|programmeCs| -- the Czech name of the author's study -% programme. This extra data field will expand to -% |\thesis@programme| if the current locale of the thesis -% is Czech. -% \item|fieldCs| -- the Czech name of the author's field of -% study. This extra data field will expand to -% |\thesis@field@name| if the current locale of the thesis -% is Czech. -% \item|keywordsCs| -- the Czech keywords of the thesis. -% This extra data field will expand to |\thesis@keywords| if -% the current locale of the thesis is Czech. -% \item|TeXkeywordsCs| -- the Czech \TeX{} keywords of the thesis. -% This extra data field will expand to |\thesis@TeXkeywords| if -% the current locale of the thesis is Czech. -% \end{itemize} % \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/21}{Defined the % \cs{thesis@blocks@bibEntryCs} macro in % \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty}. The patch was submitted by % Juraj Pálenik. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@programme - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@programmeCs - \fi -}]{programmeCs} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@field@name - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@fieldCs - \fi -}]{fieldCs} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@title - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@titleCs - \fi -}]{titleCs} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@keywords - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@keywordsCs - \fi -}]{keywordsCs} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@TeXkeywords - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@keywordsCs - \fi -}]{TeXkeywordsCs} -% \end{macrocode} -% \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/26}{Bibliographical entries in -% \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty} now face each other when the -% main locale is either Czech or English. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@bibEntryCs{% - \ifthesis@czech\else - {\thesis@selectLocale{czech} - \begin{alwayssingle} - % Clear only the right page, if the main locale is English. - \ifthesis@english - \begingroup - \let\thesis@blocks@clear\thesis@blocks@clearRight - \fi - \chapter*{\thesis@czech@bib@title}% - \ifthesis@english - \endgroup - \fi - {% Calculate the width of the columns - \let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A}\settowidth{\@A}{{% - \bf\thesis@czech@bib@author:}} - \let\@B\relax\newlength{\@B}\settowidth{\@B}{{% - \bf\thesis@czech@bib@thesisTitle:}} - \let\@C\relax\newlength{\@C}\settowidth{\@C}{{% - \bf\thesis@czech@bib@programme:}} - \let\@D\relax\newlength{\@D}\settowidth{\@D}{{% - \bf\thesis@czech@bib@field:}} - % Unless this is a rigorous thesis, we will be typesetting - % the name of the thesis advisor. - \let\@E\relax\newlength{\@E} - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous - \setlength{\@E}{0pt}% - \else - \settowidth{\@E}{{\bf\thesis@czech@bib@advisor:}} - \fi - \let\@F\relax\newlength{\@F}\settowidth{\@F}{{% - \bf\thesis@czech@bib@academicYear:}} - \let\@G\relax\newlength{\@G}\settowidth{\@G}{{% - \bf\thesis@czech@bib@pages:}} - \let\@H\relax\newlength{\@H}\settowidth{\@H}{{% - \bf\thesis@czech@bib@keywords:}} - \let\@skip\relax\newlength{\@skip}\setlength{\@skip}{16pt} - \let\@left\relax\newlength{\@left}\pgfmathsetlength{\@left}{% - max(\@A,\@B,\@C,\@D,\@E,\@F,\@G,\@H)} - \let\@right\relax\newlength{\@right}\setlength{\@right}{% - \textwidth-\@left-\@skip} - % Typeset the table - \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} - \noindent\begin{thesis@newtable@old}% - {@{}p{\@left}@{\hskip\@skip}p{\@right}@{}} - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@author:} & - \noindent\parbox[t]{\@right}{ - \thesis@author\\ - \thesis@czech@facultyName, - \thesis@czech@universityName\\ - \thesis@extra@departmentCs - }\\ - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@thesisTitle:} - & \thesis@extra@titleCs \\ - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@programme:} - & \thesis@extra@programmeCs \\ - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@field:} - & \thesis@extra@fieldCs \\ - % Unless this is a rigorous thesis, typeset the name of the - % thesis advisor. - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous\else - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@advisor:} - & \thesis@advisor \\ - \fi - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@academicYear:} - & \thesis@academicYear \\ - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@pages:} - & \thesis@pages@preamble{} + \thesis@pages \\ - \textbf{\thesis@czech@bib@keywords:} - & \thesis@extra@TeXkeywordsCs \\ - \end{thesis@newtable@old}} - \end{alwayssingle} - }% - \fi} +% Enable the inclusion of the scanned assignment inside the digital +% version of the document. +% \begin{macrocode} +\thesis@blocks@assignment@hideIfDigital@false % \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@frontMatter} +% \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@frontMatter} % The |\thesis@blocks@frontMatter| macro sets up the style % of the front matter front matter of the thesis. The front matter % is typeset without any visible numbering, as mandated by the @@ -465,191 +80,36 @@ \setcounter{page}{1} \pagenumbering{roman}} % \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@cover} -% The |\thesis@blocks@cover| macro typesets the thesis -% cover. The following extra data field is defined for the macro: -% \begin{itemize} -% \item|departmentCs| -- the Czech name of the department at -% which the thesis is being written. This extra data field will -% expand to |\thesis@department@name| if the main locale of the -% thesis is Czech. -% \end{itemize} -% \changes{v1.0.0}{2018/11/18}{^^A -% The \cs{bfseries} command switches to the sans serif typeface -% and to the secondary color in the style files of the Masaryk -% University in Brno, Czech Republic.} -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@department@name - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@departmentCs - \fi -}]{departmentCs} -\def\thesis@blocks@cover{{% - \thesis@selectLocale{czech} - \ifthesis@cover@ - \thesis@blocks@clear - \begin{alwayssingle} - \colorlet{thesis@color@secondary}{black}% - \begin{center} - {\sc\thesis@titlePage@LARGE\thesis@czech@universityName\\% - \thesis@titlePage@Large\thesis@czech@facultyName\\[0.3em]% - \thesis@titlePage@normalsize\thesis@extra@departmentCs} - \vfill - {\bf\thesis@titlePage@Huge\thesis@czech@typeName} - \vfill - {\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@place - \ \thesis@year\hfill\thesis@author} - \end{center} - \end{alwayssingle} - \fi}} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@titlePage} -% The |\thesis@blocks@titlePage| macro typesets the thesis -% title page. Depending on the value of the |\ifthesis@color@| -% conditional, the faculty logo is loaded from either -% |\thesis@logopath|, if \texttt{false}, or from -% |\thesis@logopath color/|, if \texttt{true}. -% The following extra data field is defined for the macro: -% \begin{itemize} -% \item|TeXtitleCs| -- the Czech title of the thesis used for the -% typesetting. This extra data field will expand to -% |\thesis@TeXtitle| if the main locale of the thesis is Czech. -% \end{itemize} +% \end{macro} % \changes{v1.0.0}{2018/11/18}{^^A % The \cs{bfseries} command switches to the sans serif typeface % and to the secondary color in the style files of the Masaryk % University in Brno, Czech Republic.} -% \begin{macrocode} -\thesis@def@extra[{ - \ifthesis@czech - \thesis@TeXtitle - \else - \thesis@placeholder@extra@titleCs - \fi -}]{TeXtitleCs} -\def\thesis@blocks@titlePage{{% - \thesis@blocks@clear - \thesis@selectLocale{czech} - \begin{alwayssingle} - \color{thesis@color@secondary}% - % The top of the page - \begin{adjustwidth}{-12mm}{} - \begin{minipage}{30mm} - \thesis@blocks@universityLogo@color[width=30mm] - \end{minipage}\begin{minipage}{89mm} - \begin{center} - {\sc\thesis@titlePage@LARGE\thesis@czech@universityName\\% - \thesis@titlePage@Large\thesis@czech@facultyName\\[0.3em]% - \thesis@titlePage@normalsize\thesis@extra@departmentCs} - \rule{\textwidth}{2pt}\vspace*{2mm} - \end{center} - \end{minipage}\begin{minipage}{30mm} - \thesis@blocks@facultyLogo@color[width=30mm] - \end{minipage} - \end{adjustwidth} - % The middle of the page - \vfill - \parbox\textwidth{% Prevent vfills from squashing the leading - \bf\thesis@titlePage@Huge\thesis@extra@TeXtitleCs} - {\thesis@titlePage@Huge\\[0.8em]} - {\thesis@titlePage@large\thesis@czech@typeName\\[1em]} - {\bf\thesis@titlePage@LARGE\thesis@author\\} - \vfill\noindent - % The bottom of the page - {\bf\thesis@titlePage@normalsize - % Unless this is a rigorous thesis, typeset the name of the - % thesis advisor. - \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@rigorous\else - \thesis@czech@advisorTitle: \thesis@advisor\hfill - \fi - \thesis@place\ \thesis@year} - \end{alwayssingle}}} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@thanks} -% The |\thesis@blocks@thanks| macro typesets the -% acknowledgements, if the |\thesis@thanks| macro is -% defined. Otherwise, the macro produces no output. -% As per the faculty requirements, the acknowledgements are -% positioned at the top of the page. % \changes{v0.3.45}{2017/05/24}{Redefined the % \cs{thesis@blocks@thanks} and \cs{thesis@blocks@declaration} % macros in \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty}. The patch was % submitted by Juraj Pálenik. [VN]} -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@thanks{% - \thesis@blocks@clear - \ifx\thesis@thanks\undefined\else - \begin{alwayssingle}% - \chapter*{\thesis@@{thanksTitle}}% - \leavevmode\thesis@thanks - \end{alwayssingle}% - \fi} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@declaration} -% The |\thesis@blocks@declaration| macro typesets the declaration -% text. Unlike the generic |\thesis@blocks@declaration| macro from -% the \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-sci.sty} file, this definition -% includes the date and a blank line for the author's signature, as -% per the requirements of the faculty. -% \begin{macrocode} -\def\thesis@blocks@declaration{% - \begin{alwayssingle}% - \leavevmode\vfill - % Start the new chapter without clearing any page. - {\let\thesis@blocks@clear\relax - \chapter*{\thesis@@{declarationTitle}}}% - \thesis@declaration - \vskip 2cm% - {\let\@A\relax\newlength{\@A} - \settowidth{\@A}{\thesis@@{authorSignature}} - \setlength{\@A}{\@A+1cm} - \noindent\thesis@place, \thesis@@{formattedDate}\hfill - \begin{minipage}[t]{\@A}% - \centering\rule{\@A}{1pt}\\ - \thesis@@{authorSignature}\par - \end{minipage}} - \end{alwayssingle}} -% \end{macrocode} -% \end{macro} -% Note that there is no direct support for the seminar paper and -% thesis proposal types. If you would like to change the contents -% of the preamble and the postamble, you should modify the -% |\thesis@blocks@preamble| and |\thesis@blocks@postamble| macros. % % All blocks within the autolayout preamble and postamble that are % not defined within this file are defined in the -% \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-base.sty} file. The entire front matter -% is typeset as though the locale were Czech in accordance with the -% formal requirements of the faculty. +% \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-base.sty} file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thesis@blocks@preamble{ \thesis@blocks@coverMatter \thesis@blocks@cover - \thesis@blocks@frontMatter \thesis@blocks@titlePage - \thesis@blocks@clearRight - \thesis@blocks@bibEntryCs - \thesis@blocks@bibEntry - \thesis@blocks@bibEntryEn - \thesis@blocks@abstractCs - \ifthesis@abstractonsinglepage@ - \begingroup - \let\clearpage\relax - \fi - \thesis@blocks@abstract - \thesis@blocks@abstractEn - \ifthesis@abstractonsinglepage@ - \endgroup - \fi - \thesis@blocks@assignment - {\thesis@selectLocale{czech}% - \thesis@blocks@thanks - \thesis@blocks@declaration - \thesis@blocks@clear - \pagestyle{plain}% - \thesis@blocks@tables}} + \thesis@blocks@frontMatter + \ifx\thesis@type\thesis@proposal + \thesis@blocks@toc + \else + \thesis@blocks@assignment + \thesis@blocks@declaration + \thesis@blocks@thanks + \thesis@blocks@clearRight + \thesis@blocks@abstract + \thesis@blocks@keywords + \thesis@blocks@tables + \fi} \def\thesis@blocks@postamble{% \thesis@blocks@bibliography} % \end{macrocode}