diff --git a/fithesis.dtx b/fithesis.dtx
index df1432174575ea372224947ae659da6219c73cdc..5285f5ea64a0ca03a01ac8517170b8919afa7c35 100644
--- a/fithesis.dtx
+++ b/fithesis.dtx
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
   \gdef\thesis@version{#2 #1 fithesis4 MU thesis class}}
 % {\newwrite\f\openout\f=VERSION\write\f{\thesis@version}\closeout\f}
@@ -864,13 +864,19 @@
 % filename of the logo file to be used as the university logo to
 % \textit{filename}. The \textit{filename} is stored within the
 % |\thesis@universityLogo| macro, whose implicit value is
-% \texttt{fithesis-base}. The \texttt{fithesis-} prefix serves to
-% prevent package clashes with other similarly named files within
-% the \TeX\ directory structure. The logo file is loaded from the
-% |\thesis@logopath|\discretionary{}{}{}|\thesis@universityLogo|
-% path.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
+% \texttt{fithesis-base}|-\thesis@locale|. The \texttt{fithesis-}
+% prefix serves to prevent package clashes with other similarly
+% named files within the \TeX\ directory structure. The logo file
+% is loaded from the |\thesis@logopath|\discretionary{}{}{}^^A
+% |\thesis@universityLogo| path.
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/19}{^^A
+%   Change \cs{thesis@universityLogo},
+%   \cs{thesis@blocks@universityLogo@monochrome}, and
+%   \cs{thesis@blocks@universityLogo@color} to use the new logotype
+%   of the Masaryk University in Brno in the correct size and
+%   localization. [VN]}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
 %    \end{macrocode}
diff --git a/logo/mu/Makefile b/logo/mu/Makefile
index 46ca9e7e88a7a179550d0356da7b2ed5bee57408..80a0cc8247a7f2b4e17e45459de31621d562ed4d 100644
--- a/logo/mu/Makefile
+++ b/logo/mu/Makefile
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 PDFFILES=fithesis-econ.pdf fithesis-fsps.pdf fithesis-law.pdf \
 	fithesis-med.pdf fithesis-ped.pdf fithesis-phil.pdf \
-	fithesis-sci.pdf fithesis-fi.pdf fithesis-fss.pdf \
-	fithesis-base.pdf fithesis-econ-color.pdf \
+	fithesis-sci.pdf fithesis-fi.pdf fithesis-fss.pdf fithesis-base.pdf \
+	fithesis-base-czech.pdf fithesis-base-english.pdf \
+	fithesis-base-slovak.pdf fithesis-econ-color.pdf \
 	fithesis-fsps-color.pdf fithesis-law-color.pdf \
 	fithesis-med-color.pdf fithesis-ped-color.pdf \
 	fithesis-phil-color.pdf fithesis-sci-color.pdf \
-	fithesis-fi-color.pdf fithesis-fss-color.pdf \
-	fithesis-base-color.pdf
+	fithesis-fi-color.pdf fithesis-fss-color.pdf fithesis-base-color.pdf \
+	fithesis-base-czech-color.pdf fithesis-base-english-color.pdf \
+	fithesis-base-slovak-color.pdf
 .PHONY: all implode
 # This target converts all the EPS logos to PDF.
diff --git a/logo/mu/fithesis-base-czech-color.eps b/logo/mu/fithesis-base-czech-color.eps
new file mode 100644
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+195.535 30.18 m 193.945 42.059 l 197.219 42.059 l 195.656 30.18 l 198.809
+ 30.18 l 201.809 51.18 l 198.445 51.18 l 197.637 45.059 l 193.559 45.059
+ l 192.746 51.18 l 189.445 51.18 l 192.445 30.18 l h
+168.18 33.18 m 168.18 30.18 l 181.016 30.18 l 181.016 33.18 l 176.246 33.18
+ l 176.246 51.18 l 172.945 51.18 l 172.945 33.18 l h
+151.918 50.008 m 151.918 31.352 l 149.098 31.352 l 149.098 30.18 l 158.066
+ 30.18 l 158.066 31.352 l 155.219 31.352 l 155.219 50.008 l 158.066 50.008
+ l 158.066 51.18 l 149.098 51.18 l 149.098 50.008 l h
+127.047 48.18 m 134.578 33.18 l 127.648 33.18 l 127.648 30.18 l 138.148
+ 30.18 l 138.148 33.18 l 130.59 48.18 l 138.117 48.18 l 138.117 51.18 l 
+127.047 51.18 l h
+114.148 37.23 m 114.148 35.34 l 114.148 34.02 113.008 33.18 111.777 33.18
+ c 110.246 33.18 l 110.246 39.781 l 111.777 39.781 l 113.309 39.781 114.148
+ 39.117 114.148 37.23 c 112.406 30.18 m 115.141 30.18 117.418 32.461 117.418
+ 35.191 c 117.418 37.949 l 117.418 39.629 116.488 41.309 114.957 42.238 
+c 118.438 51.18 l 114.867 51.18 l 111.809 42.93 l 110.246 42.93 l 110.246
+ 51.18 l 106.949 51.18 l 106.949 30.18 l h
+85.891 30.18 m 95.906 30.18 l 95.906 33.18 l 89.188 33.18 l 89.188 38.641
+ l 95.551 38.641 l 95.551 41.641 l 89.188 41.641 l 89.188 48.18 l 95.906
+ 48.18 l 95.906 51.18 l 85.891 51.18 l h
+75.719 30.18 m 72.777 51.18 l 69.656 51.18 l 72.391 30.18 l h
+66.809 30.18 m 69.539 51.18 l 66.418 51.18 l 63.477 30.18 l h
+46.918 50.008 m 46.918 31.352 l 44.102 31.352 l 44.102 30.18 l 53.066 30.18
+ l 53.066 31.352 l 50.219 31.352 l 50.219 50.008 l 53.066 50.008 l 53.066
+ 51.18 l 44.102 51.18 l 44.102 50.008 l h
+33.148 51.18 m 29.848 51.18 l 29.848 30.18 l 33.148 30.18 l h
+26.609 30.18 m 29.727 51.18 l 28.59 51.18 l 25.469 30.18 l h
+25.352 51.18 m 22.051 51.18 l 22.051 30.18 l 25.352 30.18 l h
+4.617 30.18 m 4.617 46.23 l 4.617 47.367 5.641 48.18 6.602 48.18 c 7.559
+ 48.18 8.578 47.367 8.578 46.23 c 8.578 30.18 l 11.879 30.18 l 11.879 46.348
+ l 11.879 49.168 9.328 51.359 6.602 51.359 c 3.867 51.359 1.32 49.168 1.32
+ 46.348 c 1.32 30.18 l h
+195.535 0.18 m 193.945 12.059 l 197.219 12.059 l 195.656 0.18 l 198.809
+ 0.18 l 201.809 21.18 l 198.445 21.18 l 197.637 15.059 l 193.559 15.059 
+l 192.746 21.18 l 189.445 21.18 l 192.445 0.18 l h
+180.719 0.18 m 177.777 21.18 l 174.656 21.18 l 177.387 0.18 l h
+171.809 0.18 m 174.535 21.18 l 171.418 21.18 l 168.477 0.18 l h
+153.598 3.18 m 152.637 3.18 151.617 3.867 151.617 5.102 c 151.617 16.258
+ l 151.617 17.488 152.637 18.18 153.598 18.18 c 154.559 18.18 155.578 17.488
+ 155.578 16.258 c 155.578 5.102 l 155.578 3.867 154.559 3.18 153.598 3.18
+ c 153.598 0 m 156.328 0 158.879 2.16 158.879 5.07 c 158.879 16.289 l 158.879
+ 19.199 156.328 21.359 153.598 21.359 c 150.867 21.359 148.316 19.199 148.316
+ 16.289 c 148.316 5.07 l 148.316 2.16 150.867 0 153.598 0 c 135.445 0.18
+ m 138.898 0.18 l 135.09 10.469 l 139.195 21.18 l 135.629 21.18 l 131.637
+ 10.617 l h
+131.457 21.18 m 128.156 21.18 l 128.156 0.18 l 131.457 0.18 l h
+105.391 0.18 m 108.809 0.18 l 111.598 8.641 l 114.387 0.18 l 117.777 0.18
+ l 113.156 13.23 l 113.156 21.18 l 110.008 21.18 l 110.008 13.23 l h
+93.148 7.23 m 93.148 5.34 l 93.148 4.02 92.008 3.18 90.777 3.18 c 89.246
+ 3.18 l 89.246 9.781 l 90.777 9.781 l 92.309 9.781 93.148 9.117 93.148 7.23
+ c 91.406 0.18 m 94.141 0.18 96.418 2.461 96.418 5.191 c 96.418 7.949 l 
+96.418 9.629 95.488 11.309 93.957 12.238 c 97.438 21.18 l 93.867 21.18 l
+ 90.809 12.93 l 89.246 12.93 l 89.246 21.18 l 85.949 21.18 l 85.949 0.18
+ l h
+69.539 0.18 m 67.949 12.059 l 71.219 12.059 l 69.656 0.18 l 72.809 0.18
+ l 75.809 21.18 l 72.449 21.18 l 71.641 15.059 l 67.559 15.059 l 66.746 
+21.18 l 63.449 21.18 l 66.449 0.18 l h
+43.316 16.348 m 43.316 15.09 l 46.617 15.09 l 46.617 16.23 l 46.617 17.367
+ 47.641 18.18 48.598 18.18 c 49.559 18.18 50.578 17.367 50.578 16.23 c 50.578
+ 14.281 l 50.578 12.867 49.348 12.391 47.969 12.117 c 45.391 11.609 43.316
+ 9.988 43.316 7.199 c 43.316 5.012 l 43.316 2.191 45.867 0 48.598 0 c 51.328
+ 0 53.879 2.191 53.879 5.012 c 53.879 6.301 l 50.578 6.301 l 50.578 5.129
+ l 50.578 3.988 49.559 3.18 48.598 3.18 c 47.641 3.18 46.617 3.988 46.617
+ 5.129 c 46.617 7.078 l 46.617 8.488 47.879 8.879 49.078 9.09 c 51.809 9.57
+ 53.879 11.551 53.879 14.16 c 53.879 16.348 l 53.879 19.168 51.328 21.359
+ 48.598 21.359 c 45.867 21.359 43.316 19.168 43.316 16.348 c 27.539 0.18
+ m 25.949 12.059 l 29.219 12.059 l 27.66 0.18 l 30.809 0.18 l 33.809 21.18
+ l 30.449 21.18 l 29.641 15.059 l 25.559 15.059 l 24.75 21.18 l 21.449 21.18
+ l 24.449 0.18 l h
+9.93 0.18 m 13.23 0.18 l 13.23 21.18 l 9.93 21.18 l h
+8.699 0.18 m 9.809 0.18 l 7.77 21.18 l 6.66 21.18 l h
+3.391 0.18 m 4.5 0.18 l 6.539 21.18 l 5.43 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m 3.27 0.18 l 3.27 21.18 l 0 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m f
+  Q
+Q Q
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+195.535 30.18 m 193.945 42.059 l 197.219 42.059 l 195.656 30.18 l 198.809
+ 30.18 l 201.809 51.18 l 198.445 51.18 l 197.637 45.059 l 193.559 45.059
+ l 192.746 51.18 l 189.445 51.18 l 192.445 30.18 l h
+168.18 33.18 m 168.18 30.18 l 181.016 30.18 l 181.016 33.18 l 176.246 33.18
+ l 176.246 51.18 l 172.945 51.18 l 172.945 33.18 l h
+151.918 50.008 m 151.918 31.352 l 149.098 31.352 l 149.098 30.18 l 158.066
+ 30.18 l 158.066 31.352 l 155.219 31.352 l 155.219 50.008 l 158.066 50.008
+ l 158.066 51.18 l 149.098 51.18 l 149.098 50.008 l h
+127.047 48.18 m 134.578 33.18 l 127.648 33.18 l 127.648 30.18 l 138.148
+ 30.18 l 138.148 33.18 l 130.59 48.18 l 138.117 48.18 l 138.117 51.18 l 
+127.047 51.18 l h
+114.148 37.23 m 114.148 35.34 l 114.148 34.02 113.008 33.18 111.777 33.18
+ c 110.246 33.18 l 110.246 39.781 l 111.777 39.781 l 113.309 39.781 114.148
+ 39.117 114.148 37.23 c 112.406 30.18 m 115.141 30.18 117.418 32.461 117.418
+ 35.191 c 117.418 37.949 l 117.418 39.629 116.488 41.309 114.957 42.238 
+c 118.438 51.18 l 114.867 51.18 l 111.809 42.93 l 110.246 42.93 l 110.246
+ 51.18 l 106.949 51.18 l 106.949 30.18 l h
+85.891 30.18 m 95.906 30.18 l 95.906 33.18 l 89.188 33.18 l 89.188 38.641
+ l 95.551 38.641 l 95.551 41.641 l 89.188 41.641 l 89.188 48.18 l 95.906
+ 48.18 l 95.906 51.18 l 85.891 51.18 l h
+75.719 30.18 m 72.777 51.18 l 69.656 51.18 l 72.391 30.18 l h
+66.809 30.18 m 69.539 51.18 l 66.418 51.18 l 63.477 30.18 l h
+46.918 50.008 m 46.918 31.352 l 44.102 31.352 l 44.102 30.18 l 53.066 30.18
+ l 53.066 31.352 l 50.219 31.352 l 50.219 50.008 l 53.066 50.008 l 53.066
+ 51.18 l 44.102 51.18 l 44.102 50.008 l h
+33.148 51.18 m 29.848 51.18 l 29.848 30.18 l 33.148 30.18 l h
+26.609 30.18 m 29.727 51.18 l 28.59 51.18 l 25.469 30.18 l h
+25.352 51.18 m 22.051 51.18 l 22.051 30.18 l 25.352 30.18 l h
+4.617 30.18 m 4.617 46.23 l 4.617 47.367 5.641 48.18 6.602 48.18 c 7.559
+ 48.18 8.578 47.367 8.578 46.23 c 8.578 30.18 l 11.879 30.18 l 11.879 46.348
+ l 11.879 49.168 9.328 51.359 6.602 51.359 c 3.867 51.359 1.32 49.168 1.32
+ 46.348 c 1.32 30.18 l h
+195.535 0.18 m 193.945 12.059 l 197.219 12.059 l 195.656 0.18 l 198.809
+ 0.18 l 201.809 21.18 l 198.445 21.18 l 197.637 15.059 l 193.559 15.059 
+l 192.746 21.18 l 189.445 21.18 l 192.445 0.18 l h
+180.719 0.18 m 177.777 21.18 l 174.656 21.18 l 177.387 0.18 l h
+171.809 0.18 m 174.535 21.18 l 171.418 21.18 l 168.477 0.18 l h
+153.598 3.18 m 152.637 3.18 151.617 3.867 151.617 5.102 c 151.617 16.258
+ l 151.617 17.488 152.637 18.18 153.598 18.18 c 154.559 18.18 155.578 17.488
+ 155.578 16.258 c 155.578 5.102 l 155.578 3.867 154.559 3.18 153.598 3.18
+ c 153.598 0 m 156.328 0 158.879 2.16 158.879 5.07 c 158.879 16.289 l 158.879
+ 19.199 156.328 21.359 153.598 21.359 c 150.867 21.359 148.316 19.199 148.316
+ 16.289 c 148.316 5.07 l 148.316 2.16 150.867 0 153.598 0 c 135.445 0.18
+ m 138.898 0.18 l 135.09 10.469 l 139.195 21.18 l 135.629 21.18 l 131.637
+ 10.617 l h
+131.457 21.18 m 128.156 21.18 l 128.156 0.18 l 131.457 0.18 l h
+105.391 0.18 m 108.809 0.18 l 111.598 8.641 l 114.387 0.18 l 117.777 0.18
+ l 113.156 13.23 l 113.156 21.18 l 110.008 21.18 l 110.008 13.23 l h
+93.148 7.23 m 93.148 5.34 l 93.148 4.02 92.008 3.18 90.777 3.18 c 89.246
+ 3.18 l 89.246 9.781 l 90.777 9.781 l 92.309 9.781 93.148 9.117 93.148 7.23
+ c 91.406 0.18 m 94.141 0.18 96.418 2.461 96.418 5.191 c 96.418 7.949 l 
+96.418 9.629 95.488 11.309 93.957 12.238 c 97.438 21.18 l 93.867 21.18 l
+ 90.809 12.93 l 89.246 12.93 l 89.246 21.18 l 85.949 21.18 l 85.949 0.18
+ l h
+69.539 0.18 m 67.949 12.059 l 71.219 12.059 l 69.656 0.18 l 72.809 0.18
+ l 75.809 21.18 l 72.449 21.18 l 71.641 15.059 l 67.559 15.059 l 66.746 
+21.18 l 63.449 21.18 l 66.449 0.18 l h
+43.316 16.348 m 43.316 15.09 l 46.617 15.09 l 46.617 16.23 l 46.617 17.367
+ 47.641 18.18 48.598 18.18 c 49.559 18.18 50.578 17.367 50.578 16.23 c 50.578
+ 14.281 l 50.578 12.867 49.348 12.391 47.969 12.117 c 45.391 11.609 43.316
+ 9.988 43.316 7.199 c 43.316 5.012 l 43.316 2.191 45.867 0 48.598 0 c 51.328
+ 0 53.879 2.191 53.879 5.012 c 53.879 6.301 l 50.578 6.301 l 50.578 5.129
+ l 50.578 3.988 49.559 3.18 48.598 3.18 c 47.641 3.18 46.617 3.988 46.617
+ 5.129 c 46.617 7.078 l 46.617 8.488 47.879 8.879 49.078 9.09 c 51.809 9.57
+ 53.879 11.551 53.879 14.16 c 53.879 16.348 l 53.879 19.168 51.328 21.359
+ 48.598 21.359 c 45.867 21.359 43.316 19.168 43.316 16.348 c 27.539 0.18
+ m 25.949 12.059 l 29.219 12.059 l 27.66 0.18 l 30.809 0.18 l 33.809 21.18
+ l 30.449 21.18 l 29.641 15.059 l 25.559 15.059 l 24.75 21.18 l 21.449 21.18
+ l 24.449 0.18 l h
+9.93 0.18 m 13.23 0.18 l 13.23 21.18 l 9.93 21.18 l h
+8.699 0.18 m 9.809 0.18 l 7.77 21.18 l 6.66 21.18 l h
+3.391 0.18 m 4.5 0.18 l 6.539 21.18 l 5.43 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m 3.27 0.18 l 3.27 21.18 l 0 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m f
+  Q
+Q Q
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+189.391 30.18 m 192.812 30.18 l 195.602 38.641 l 198.391 30.18 l 201.781
+ 30.18 l 197.16 43.23 l 197.16 51.18 l 194.008 51.18 l 194.008 43.23 l h
+168.18 33.18 m 168.18 30.18 l 181.02 30.18 l 181.02 33.18 l 176.25 33.18
+ l 176.25 51.18 l 172.949 51.18 l 172.949 33.18 l h
+151.918 50.008 m 151.918 31.352 l 149.102 31.352 l 149.102 30.18 l 158.07
+ 30.18 l 158.07 31.352 l 155.219 31.352 l 155.219 50.008 l 158.07 50.008
+ l 158.07 51.18 l 149.102 51.18 l 149.102 50.008 l h
+127.32 46.352 m 127.32 45.09 l 130.621 45.09 l 130.621 46.23 l 130.621 
+47.367 131.641 48.18 132.602 48.18 c 133.562 48.18 134.578 47.367 134.578
+ 46.23 c 134.578 44.281 l 134.578 42.867 133.352 42.391 131.969 42.117 c
+ 129.391 41.609 127.32 39.992 127.32 37.199 c 127.32 35.008 l 127.32 32.191
+ 129.871 30 132.602 30 c 135.328 30 137.879 32.191 137.879 35.008 c 137.879
+ 36.301 l 134.578 36.301 l 134.578 35.129 l 134.578 33.992 133.562 33.18
+ 132.602 33.18 c 131.641 33.18 130.621 33.992 130.621 35.129 c 130.621 37.078
+ l 130.621 38.492 131.879 38.879 133.078 39.09 c 135.812 39.57 137.879 41.547
+ 137.879 44.16 c 137.879 46.352 l 137.879 49.168 135.328 51.359 132.602 
+51.359 c 129.871 51.359 127.32 49.168 127.32 46.352 c 114.152 37.23 m 114.152
+ 35.34 l 114.152 34.02 113.008 33.18 111.781 33.18 c 110.25 33.18 l 110.25
+ 39.781 l 111.781 39.781 l 113.312 39.781 114.152 39.117 114.152 37.23 c
+ 112.41 30.18 m 115.141 30.18 117.418 32.461 117.418 35.191 c 117.418 37.949
+ l 117.418 39.629 116.492 41.312 114.961 42.242 c 118.441 51.18 l 114.871
+ 51.18 l 111.812 42.93 l 110.25 42.93 l 110.25 51.18 l 106.953 51.18 l 106.953
+ 30.18 l h
+85.891 30.18 m 95.91 30.18 l 95.91 33.18 l 89.191 33.18 l 89.191 38.641
+ l 95.551 38.641 l 95.551 41.641 l 89.191 41.641 l 89.191 48.18 l 95.91 
+48.18 l 95.91 51.18 l 85.891 51.18 l h
+75.719 30.18 m 72.781 51.18 l 69.66 51.18 l 72.391 30.18 l h
+66.812 30.18 m 69.539 51.18 l 66.418 51.18 l 63.48 30.18 l h
+46.918 50.008 m 46.918 31.352 l 44.102 31.352 l 44.102 30.18 l 53.07 30.18
+ l 53.07 31.352 l 50.219 31.352 l 50.219 50.008 l 53.07 50.008 l 53.07 51.18
+ l 44.102 51.18 l 44.102 50.008 l h
+33.152 51.18 m 29.852 51.18 l 29.852 30.18 l 33.152 30.18 l h
+26.613 30.18 m 29.73 51.18 l 28.59 51.18 l 25.469 30.18 l h
+25.352 51.18 m 22.051 51.18 l 22.051 30.18 l 25.352 30.18 l h
+4.621 30.18 m 4.621 46.23 l 4.621 47.367 5.641 48.18 6.602 48.18 c 7.562
+ 48.18 8.578 47.367 8.578 46.23 c 8.578 30.18 l 11.879 30.18 l 11.879 46.352
+ l 11.879 49.168 9.328 51.359 6.602 51.359 c 3.871 51.359 1.32 49.168 1.32
+ 46.352 c 1.32 30.18 l h
+135.449 0.18 m 138.902 0.18 l 135.09 10.469 l 139.199 21.18 l 135.629 21.18
+ l 131.641 10.617 l h
+131.461 21.18 m 128.16 21.18 l 128.16 0.18 l 131.461 0.18 l h
+105.391 0.18 m 108.812 0.18 l 111.602 8.641 l 114.391 0.18 l 117.781 0.18
+ l 113.16 13.23 l 113.16 21.18 l 110.008 21.18 l 110.008 13.23 l h
+93.152 7.23 m 93.152 5.34 l 93.152 4.02 92.008 3.18 90.781 3.18 c 89.25
+ 3.18 l 89.25 9.781 l 90.781 9.781 l 92.312 9.781 93.152 9.117 93.152 7.23
+ c 91.41 0.18 m 94.141 0.18 96.418 2.461 96.418 5.191 c 96.418 7.949 l 96.418
+ 9.629 95.492 11.312 93.957 12.242 c 97.441 21.18 l 93.871 21.18 l 90.812
+ 12.93 l 89.25 12.93 l 89.25 21.18 l 85.949 21.18 l 85.949 0.18 l h
+69.539 0.18 m 67.949 12.062 l 71.219 12.062 l 69.66 0.18 l 72.812 0.18 
+l 75.812 21.18 l 72.449 21.18 l 71.641 15.059 l 67.562 15.059 l 66.75 21.18
+ l 63.449 21.18 l 66.449 0.18 l h
+43.32 16.352 m 43.32 15.09 l 46.621 15.09 l 46.621 16.23 l 46.621 17.367
+ 47.641 18.18 48.602 18.18 c 49.562 18.18 50.578 17.367 50.578 16.23 c 50.578
+ 14.281 l 50.578 12.867 49.352 12.391 47.969 12.117 c 45.391 11.609 43.32
+ 9.992 43.32 7.199 c 43.32 5.008 l 43.32 2.191 45.871 0 48.602 0 c 51.328
+ 0 53.879 2.191 53.879 5.008 c 53.879 6.301 l 50.578 6.301 l 50.578 5.129
+ l 50.578 3.992 49.562 3.18 48.602 3.18 c 47.641 3.18 46.621 3.992 46.621
+ 5.129 c 46.621 7.078 l 46.621 8.492 47.879 8.879 49.078 9.09 c 51.812 9.57
+ 53.879 11.547 53.879 14.16 c 53.879 16.352 l 53.879 19.168 51.328 21.359
+ 48.602 21.359 c 45.871 21.359 43.32 19.168 43.32 16.352 c 27.539 0.18 m
+ 25.953 12.062 l 29.219 12.062 l 27.66 0.18 l 30.812 0.18 l 33.812 21.18
+ l 30.453 21.18 l 29.641 15.059 l 25.562 15.059 l 24.75 21.18 l 21.453 21.18
+ l 24.453 0.18 l h
+9.93 0.18 m 13.23 0.18 l 13.23 21.18 l 9.93 21.18 l h
+8.703 0.18 m 9.812 0.18 l 7.77 21.18 l 6.66 21.18 l h
+3.391 0.18 m 4.5 0.18 l 6.539 21.18 l 5.43 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m 3.27 0.18 l 3.27 21.18 l 0 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m f
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+168.18 33.18 m 168.18 30.18 l 181.02 30.18 l 181.02 33.18 l 176.25 33.18
+ l 176.25 51.18 l 172.949 51.18 l 172.949 33.18 l h
+151.918 50.008 m 151.918 31.352 l 149.102 31.352 l 149.102 30.18 l 158.07
+ 30.18 l 158.07 31.352 l 155.219 31.352 l 155.219 50.008 l 158.07 50.008
+ l 158.07 51.18 l 149.102 51.18 l 149.102 50.008 l h
+127.32 46.352 m 127.32 45.09 l 130.621 45.09 l 130.621 46.23 l 130.621 
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+ 46.23 c 134.578 44.281 l 134.578 42.867 133.352 42.391 131.969 42.117 c
+ 129.391 41.609 127.32 39.992 127.32 37.199 c 127.32 35.008 l 127.32 32.191
+ 129.871 30 132.602 30 c 135.328 30 137.879 32.191 137.879 35.008 c 137.879
+ 36.301 l 134.578 36.301 l 134.578 35.129 l 134.578 33.992 133.562 33.18
+ 132.602 33.18 c 131.641 33.18 130.621 33.992 130.621 35.129 c 130.621 37.078
+ l 130.621 38.492 131.879 38.879 133.078 39.09 c 135.812 39.57 137.879 41.547
+ 137.879 44.16 c 137.879 46.352 l 137.879 49.168 135.328 51.359 132.602 
+51.359 c 129.871 51.359 127.32 49.168 127.32 46.352 c 114.152 37.23 m 114.152
+ 35.34 l 114.152 34.02 113.008 33.18 111.781 33.18 c 110.25 33.18 l 110.25
+ 39.781 l 111.781 39.781 l 113.312 39.781 114.152 39.117 114.152 37.23 c
+ 112.41 30.18 m 115.141 30.18 117.418 32.461 117.418 35.191 c 117.418 37.949
+ l 117.418 39.629 116.492 41.312 114.961 42.242 c 118.441 51.18 l 114.871
+ 51.18 l 111.812 42.93 l 110.25 42.93 l 110.25 51.18 l 106.953 51.18 l 106.953
+ 30.18 l h
+85.891 30.18 m 95.91 30.18 l 95.91 33.18 l 89.191 33.18 l 89.191 38.641
+ l 95.551 38.641 l 95.551 41.641 l 89.191 41.641 l 89.191 48.18 l 95.91 
+48.18 l 95.91 51.18 l 85.891 51.18 l h
+75.719 30.18 m 72.781 51.18 l 69.66 51.18 l 72.391 30.18 l h
+66.812 30.18 m 69.539 51.18 l 66.418 51.18 l 63.48 30.18 l h
+46.918 50.008 m 46.918 31.352 l 44.102 31.352 l 44.102 30.18 l 53.07 30.18
+ l 53.07 31.352 l 50.219 31.352 l 50.219 50.008 l 53.07 50.008 l 53.07 51.18
+ l 44.102 51.18 l 44.102 50.008 l h
+33.152 51.18 m 29.852 51.18 l 29.852 30.18 l 33.152 30.18 l h
+26.613 30.18 m 29.73 51.18 l 28.59 51.18 l 25.469 30.18 l h
+25.352 51.18 m 22.051 51.18 l 22.051 30.18 l 25.352 30.18 l h
+4.621 30.18 m 4.621 46.23 l 4.621 47.367 5.641 48.18 6.602 48.18 c 7.562
+ 48.18 8.578 47.367 8.578 46.23 c 8.578 30.18 l 11.879 30.18 l 11.879 46.352
+ l 11.879 49.168 9.328 51.359 6.602 51.359 c 3.871 51.359 1.32 49.168 1.32
+ 46.352 c 1.32 30.18 l h
+135.449 0.18 m 138.902 0.18 l 135.09 10.469 l 139.199 21.18 l 135.629 21.18
+ l 131.641 10.617 l h
+131.461 21.18 m 128.16 21.18 l 128.16 0.18 l 131.461 0.18 l h
+105.391 0.18 m 108.812 0.18 l 111.602 8.641 l 114.391 0.18 l 117.781 0.18
+ l 113.16 13.23 l 113.16 21.18 l 110.008 21.18 l 110.008 13.23 l h
+93.152 7.23 m 93.152 5.34 l 93.152 4.02 92.008 3.18 90.781 3.18 c 89.25
+ 3.18 l 89.25 9.781 l 90.781 9.781 l 92.312 9.781 93.152 9.117 93.152 7.23
+ c 91.41 0.18 m 94.141 0.18 96.418 2.461 96.418 5.191 c 96.418 7.949 l 96.418
+ 9.629 95.492 11.312 93.957 12.242 c 97.441 21.18 l 93.871 21.18 l 90.812
+ 12.93 l 89.25 12.93 l 89.25 21.18 l 85.949 21.18 l 85.949 0.18 l h
+69.539 0.18 m 67.949 12.062 l 71.219 12.062 l 69.66 0.18 l 72.812 0.18 
+l 75.812 21.18 l 72.449 21.18 l 71.641 15.059 l 67.562 15.059 l 66.75 21.18
+ l 63.449 21.18 l 66.449 0.18 l h
+43.32 16.352 m 43.32 15.09 l 46.621 15.09 l 46.621 16.23 l 46.621 17.367
+ 47.641 18.18 48.602 18.18 c 49.562 18.18 50.578 17.367 50.578 16.23 c 50.578
+ 14.281 l 50.578 12.867 49.352 12.391 47.969 12.117 c 45.391 11.609 43.32
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+ 25.953 12.062 l 29.219 12.062 l 27.66 0.18 l 30.812 0.18 l 33.812 21.18
+ l 30.453 21.18 l 29.641 15.059 l 25.562 15.059 l 24.75 21.18 l 21.453 21.18
+ l 24.453 0.18 l h
+9.93 0.18 m 13.23 0.18 l 13.23 21.18 l 9.93 21.18 l h
+8.703 0.18 m 9.812 0.18 l 7.77 21.18 l 6.66 21.18 l h
+3.391 0.18 m 4.5 0.18 l 6.539 21.18 l 5.43 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m 3.27 0.18 l 3.27 21.18 l 0 21.18 l h
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+ 48.18 l 95.906 51.18 l 85.891 51.18 l h
+75.719 30.18 m 72.777 51.18 l 69.656 51.18 l 72.391 30.18 l h
+66.809 30.18 m 69.539 51.18 l 66.418 51.18 l 63.477 30.18 l h
+46.918 50.008 m 46.918 31.352 l 44.102 31.352 l 44.102 30.18 l 53.066 30.18
+ l 53.066 31.352 l 50.219 31.352 l 50.219 50.008 l 53.066 50.008 l 53.066
+ 51.18 l 44.102 51.18 l 44.102 50.008 l h
+33.148 51.18 m 29.848 51.18 l 29.848 30.18 l 33.148 30.18 l h
+26.609 30.18 m 29.727 51.18 l 28.59 51.18 l 25.469 30.18 l h
+25.352 51.18 m 22.051 51.18 l 22.051 30.18 l 25.352 30.18 l h
+4.617 30.18 m 4.617 46.23 l 4.617 47.367 5.641 48.18 6.602 48.18 c 7.559
+ 48.18 8.578 47.367 8.578 46.23 c 8.578 30.18 l 11.879 30.18 l 11.879 46.348
+ l 11.879 49.168 9.328 51.359 6.602 51.359 c 3.867 51.359 1.32 49.168 1.32
+ 46.348 c 1.32 30.18 l h
+195.535 0.18 m 193.945 12.059 l 197.219 12.059 l 195.656 0.18 l 198.809
+ 0.18 l 201.809 21.18 l 198.445 21.18 l 197.637 15.059 l 193.559 15.059 
+l 192.746 21.18 l 189.445 21.18 l 192.445 0.18 l h
+180.719 0.18 m 177.777 21.18 l 174.656 21.18 l 177.387 0.18 l h
+171.809 0.18 m 174.535 21.18 l 171.418 21.18 l 168.477 0.18 l h
+153.598 3.18 m 152.637 3.18 151.617 3.867 151.617 5.102 c 151.617 16.258
+ l 151.617 17.488 152.637 18.18 153.598 18.18 c 154.559 18.18 155.578 17.488
+ 155.578 16.258 c 155.578 5.102 l 155.578 3.867 154.559 3.18 153.598 3.18
+ c 153.598 0 m 156.328 0 158.879 2.16 158.879 5.07 c 158.879 16.289 l 158.879
+ 19.199 156.328 21.359 153.598 21.359 c 150.867 21.359 148.316 19.199 148.316
+ 16.289 c 148.316 5.07 l 148.316 2.16 150.867 0 153.598 0 c 135.445 0.18
+ m 138.898 0.18 l 135.09 10.469 l 139.195 21.18 l 135.629 21.18 l 131.637
+ 10.617 l h
+131.457 21.18 m 128.156 21.18 l 128.156 0.18 l 131.457 0.18 l h
+105.391 0.18 m 108.809 0.18 l 111.598 8.641 l 114.387 0.18 l 117.777 0.18
+ l 113.156 13.23 l 113.156 21.18 l 110.008 21.18 l 110.008 13.23 l h
+93.148 7.23 m 93.148 5.34 l 93.148 4.02 92.008 3.18 90.777 3.18 c 89.246
+ 3.18 l 89.246 9.781 l 90.777 9.781 l 92.309 9.781 93.148 9.117 93.148 7.23
+ c 91.406 0.18 m 94.141 0.18 96.418 2.461 96.418 5.191 c 96.418 7.949 l 
+96.418 9.629 95.488 11.309 93.957 12.238 c 97.438 21.18 l 93.867 21.18 l
+ 90.809 12.93 l 89.246 12.93 l 89.246 21.18 l 85.949 21.18 l 85.949 0.18
+ l h
+69.539 0.18 m 67.949 12.059 l 71.219 12.059 l 69.656 0.18 l 72.809 0.18
+ l 75.809 21.18 l 72.449 21.18 l 71.641 15.059 l 67.559 15.059 l 66.746 
+21.18 l 63.449 21.18 l 66.449 0.18 l h
+43.316 16.348 m 43.316 15.09 l 46.617 15.09 l 46.617 16.23 l 46.617 17.367
+ 47.641 18.18 48.598 18.18 c 49.559 18.18 50.578 17.367 50.578 16.23 c 50.578
+ 14.281 l 50.578 12.867 49.348 12.391 47.969 12.117 c 45.391 11.609 43.316
+ 9.988 43.316 7.199 c 43.316 5.012 l 43.316 2.191 45.867 0 48.598 0 c 51.328
+ 0 53.879 2.191 53.879 5.012 c 53.879 6.301 l 50.578 6.301 l 50.578 5.129
+ l 50.578 3.988 49.559 3.18 48.598 3.18 c 47.641 3.18 46.617 3.988 46.617
+ 5.129 c 46.617 7.078 l 46.617 8.488 47.879 8.879 49.078 9.09 c 51.809 9.57
+ 53.879 11.551 53.879 14.16 c 53.879 16.348 l 53.879 19.168 51.328 21.359
+ 48.598 21.359 c 45.867 21.359 43.316 19.168 43.316 16.348 c 27.539 0.18
+ m 25.949 12.059 l 29.219 12.059 l 27.66 0.18 l 30.809 0.18 l 33.809 21.18
+ l 30.449 21.18 l 29.641 15.059 l 25.559 15.059 l 24.75 21.18 l 21.449 21.18
+ l 24.449 0.18 l h
+9.93 0.18 m 13.23 0.18 l 13.23 21.18 l 9.93 21.18 l h
+8.699 0.18 m 9.809 0.18 l 7.77 21.18 l 6.66 21.18 l h
+3.391 0.18 m 4.5 0.18 l 6.539 21.18 l 5.43 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m 3.27 0.18 l 3.27 21.18 l 0 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m f
+  Q
+Q Q
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+195.535 30.18 m 193.945 42.059 l 197.219 42.059 l 195.656 30.18 l 198.809
+ 30.18 l 201.809 51.18 l 198.445 51.18 l 197.637 45.059 l 193.559 45.059
+ l 192.746 51.18 l 189.445 51.18 l 192.445 30.18 l h
+168.18 33.18 m 168.18 30.18 l 181.016 30.18 l 181.016 33.18 l 176.246 33.18
+ l 176.246 51.18 l 172.945 51.18 l 172.945 33.18 l h
+151.918 50.008 m 151.918 31.352 l 149.098 31.352 l 149.098 30.18 l 158.066
+ 30.18 l 158.066 31.352 l 155.219 31.352 l 155.219 50.008 l 158.066 50.008
+ l 158.066 51.18 l 149.098 51.18 l 149.098 50.008 l h
+127.047 48.18 m 134.578 33.18 l 127.648 33.18 l 127.648 30.18 l 138.148
+ 30.18 l 138.148 33.18 l 130.59 48.18 l 138.117 48.18 l 138.117 51.18 l 
+127.047 51.18 l h
+114.148 37.23 m 114.148 35.34 l 114.148 34.02 113.008 33.18 111.777 33.18
+ c 110.246 33.18 l 110.246 39.781 l 111.777 39.781 l 113.309 39.781 114.148
+ 39.117 114.148 37.23 c 112.406 30.18 m 115.141 30.18 117.418 32.461 117.418
+ 35.191 c 117.418 37.949 l 117.418 39.629 116.488 41.309 114.957 42.238 
+c 118.438 51.18 l 114.867 51.18 l 111.809 42.93 l 110.246 42.93 l 110.246
+ 51.18 l 106.949 51.18 l 106.949 30.18 l h
+85.891 30.18 m 95.906 30.18 l 95.906 33.18 l 89.188 33.18 l 89.188 38.641
+ l 95.551 38.641 l 95.551 41.641 l 89.188 41.641 l 89.188 48.18 l 95.906
+ 48.18 l 95.906 51.18 l 85.891 51.18 l h
+75.719 30.18 m 72.777 51.18 l 69.656 51.18 l 72.391 30.18 l h
+66.809 30.18 m 69.539 51.18 l 66.418 51.18 l 63.477 30.18 l h
+46.918 50.008 m 46.918 31.352 l 44.102 31.352 l 44.102 30.18 l 53.066 30.18
+ l 53.066 31.352 l 50.219 31.352 l 50.219 50.008 l 53.066 50.008 l 53.066
+ 51.18 l 44.102 51.18 l 44.102 50.008 l h
+33.148 51.18 m 29.848 51.18 l 29.848 30.18 l 33.148 30.18 l h
+26.609 30.18 m 29.727 51.18 l 28.59 51.18 l 25.469 30.18 l h
+25.352 51.18 m 22.051 51.18 l 22.051 30.18 l 25.352 30.18 l h
+4.617 30.18 m 4.617 46.23 l 4.617 47.367 5.641 48.18 6.602 48.18 c 7.559
+ 48.18 8.578 47.367 8.578 46.23 c 8.578 30.18 l 11.879 30.18 l 11.879 46.348
+ l 11.879 49.168 9.328 51.359 6.602 51.359 c 3.867 51.359 1.32 49.168 1.32
+ 46.348 c 1.32 30.18 l h
+195.535 0.18 m 193.945 12.059 l 197.219 12.059 l 195.656 0.18 l 198.809
+ 0.18 l 201.809 21.18 l 198.445 21.18 l 197.637 15.059 l 193.559 15.059 
+l 192.746 21.18 l 189.445 21.18 l 192.445 0.18 l h
+180.719 0.18 m 177.777 21.18 l 174.656 21.18 l 177.387 0.18 l h
+171.809 0.18 m 174.535 21.18 l 171.418 21.18 l 168.477 0.18 l h
+153.598 3.18 m 152.637 3.18 151.617 3.867 151.617 5.102 c 151.617 16.258
+ l 151.617 17.488 152.637 18.18 153.598 18.18 c 154.559 18.18 155.578 17.488
+ 155.578 16.258 c 155.578 5.102 l 155.578 3.867 154.559 3.18 153.598 3.18
+ c 153.598 0 m 156.328 0 158.879 2.16 158.879 5.07 c 158.879 16.289 l 158.879
+ 19.199 156.328 21.359 153.598 21.359 c 150.867 21.359 148.316 19.199 148.316
+ 16.289 c 148.316 5.07 l 148.316 2.16 150.867 0 153.598 0 c 135.445 0.18
+ m 138.898 0.18 l 135.09 10.469 l 139.195 21.18 l 135.629 21.18 l 131.637
+ 10.617 l h
+131.457 21.18 m 128.156 21.18 l 128.156 0.18 l 131.457 0.18 l h
+105.391 0.18 m 108.809 0.18 l 111.598 8.641 l 114.387 0.18 l 117.777 0.18
+ l 113.156 13.23 l 113.156 21.18 l 110.008 21.18 l 110.008 13.23 l h
+93.148 7.23 m 93.148 5.34 l 93.148 4.02 92.008 3.18 90.777 3.18 c 89.246
+ 3.18 l 89.246 9.781 l 90.777 9.781 l 92.309 9.781 93.148 9.117 93.148 7.23
+ c 91.406 0.18 m 94.141 0.18 96.418 2.461 96.418 5.191 c 96.418 7.949 l 
+96.418 9.629 95.488 11.309 93.957 12.238 c 97.438 21.18 l 93.867 21.18 l
+ 90.809 12.93 l 89.246 12.93 l 89.246 21.18 l 85.949 21.18 l 85.949 0.18
+ l h
+69.539 0.18 m 67.949 12.059 l 71.219 12.059 l 69.656 0.18 l 72.809 0.18
+ l 75.809 21.18 l 72.449 21.18 l 71.641 15.059 l 67.559 15.059 l 66.746 
+21.18 l 63.449 21.18 l 66.449 0.18 l h
+43.316 16.348 m 43.316 15.09 l 46.617 15.09 l 46.617 16.23 l 46.617 17.367
+ 47.641 18.18 48.598 18.18 c 49.559 18.18 50.578 17.367 50.578 16.23 c 50.578
+ 14.281 l 50.578 12.867 49.348 12.391 47.969 12.117 c 45.391 11.609 43.316
+ 9.988 43.316 7.199 c 43.316 5.012 l 43.316 2.191 45.867 0 48.598 0 c 51.328
+ 0 53.879 2.191 53.879 5.012 c 53.879 6.301 l 50.578 6.301 l 50.578 5.129
+ l 50.578 3.988 49.559 3.18 48.598 3.18 c 47.641 3.18 46.617 3.988 46.617
+ 5.129 c 46.617 7.078 l 46.617 8.488 47.879 8.879 49.078 9.09 c 51.809 9.57
+ 53.879 11.551 53.879 14.16 c 53.879 16.348 l 53.879 19.168 51.328 21.359
+ 48.598 21.359 c 45.867 21.359 43.316 19.168 43.316 16.348 c 27.539 0.18
+ m 25.949 12.059 l 29.219 12.059 l 27.66 0.18 l 30.809 0.18 l 33.809 21.18
+ l 30.449 21.18 l 29.641 15.059 l 25.559 15.059 l 24.75 21.18 l 21.449 21.18
+ l 24.449 0.18 l h
+9.93 0.18 m 13.23 0.18 l 13.23 21.18 l 9.93 21.18 l h
+8.699 0.18 m 9.809 0.18 l 7.77 21.18 l 6.66 21.18 l h
+3.391 0.18 m 4.5 0.18 l 6.539 21.18 l 5.43 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m 3.27 0.18 l 3.27 21.18 l 0 21.18 l h
+0 0.18 m f
+  Q
+Q Q
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+%   of the Masaryk University in Brno in the correct size and
+%   localization. [VN]}
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 % |\includegraphics|.
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/19}{^^A
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+%   \cs{thesis@blocks@universityLogo@monochrome}, and
+%   \cs{thesis@blocks@universityLogo@color} to use the new logotype
+%   of the Masaryk University in Brno in the correct size and
+%   localization. [VN]}
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