diff --git a/example/mu/example.dtx b/example/mu/example.dtx
index 8820995e612624daf7797627d6c72224ee6aa492..022d9225d6c1a76129f6c04d3daecfa3200a350c 100644
--- a/example/mu/example.dtx
+++ b/example/mu/example.dtx
@@ -152,6 +152,15 @@
       span multiple paragraphs.
+    %% The following key is only useful when you are writing a
+    %% doctoral thesis. You can safely omit it in other theses.
+    extra              = {
+      summary          = {%
+        This is the summary of my thesis, which should
+	        not be very long.
+      },
+    },
@@ -454,6 +463,15 @@
       span multiple paragraphs.
+    %% The following key is only useful when you are writing a
+    %% doctoral thesis. You can safely omit it in other theses.
+    extra      = {
+      summary  = {%
+        This is the summary of my thesis, which should
+        not be very long.
+      },
+    },
diff --git a/locale/czech.dtx b/locale/czech.dtx
index afcdc85551474e520ff20bbeb17bf3017eb7164d..9ccdca2894a90cee0d17758465fb92461cb6573e 100644
--- a/locale/czech.dtx
+++ b/locale/czech.dtx
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Added title for summary. [TV]}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
 % Různé
   Podpis autor\ifthesis@woman ky\else a\fi}
@@ -89,6 +92,7 @@
 \gdef\thesis@czech@keywordsTitle{Klíčová slova}
 \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName@sempaper{Seminární práce}
 \gdef\thesis@czech@typeName@bachelors{Bakalářská práce}
diff --git a/locale/english.dtx b/locale/english.dtx
index 137e64fd148b776607e870170aab4413b7fb401d..bd35032bfc2c401d415e4f97ebcefcea21263a06 100644
--- a/locale/english.dtx
+++ b/locale/english.dtx
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Added title for summary. [TV]}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
 % Miscellaneous
 \gdef\thesis@english@authorSignature{Author's signature}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -82,6 +85,7 @@
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \gdef\thesis@english@typeName@sempaper{Seminar Paper}
 \gdef\thesis@english@typeName@bachelors{Bachelor's Thesis}
diff --git a/locale/slovak.dtx b/locale/slovak.dtx
index 5bf5b7e1bda55fd28843eca1f59de1d3c411bba9..f55e05b99de37aefea0973d5910346457b4e211c 100644
--- a/locale/slovak.dtx
+++ b/locale/slovak.dtx
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Added title for summary. [TV]}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
 % RĂ´zne
   Podpis autor\ifthesis@woman ky\else a\fi}
@@ -89,6 +92,7 @@
 \gdef\thesis@slovak@keywordsTitle{Kľúčové slová}
 \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@sempaper{Seminárna práca}
 \gdef\thesis@slovak@typeName@bachelors{Bakalárska práca}
diff --git a/style/mu/base.dtx b/style/mu/base.dtx
index d1d773f08e63c03917c2a5be8e3503eb10453698..506d58d52143a9a9c180824daceef3e9d84186b3 100644
--- a/style/mu/base.dtx
+++ b/style/mu/base.dtx
@@ -969,11 +969,13 @@
 % \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@abstract}
 % The |\thesis@blocks@abstract| macro typesets the
 % abstract.
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/05}{Changed \texttt{clearpage}
+% to \texttt{vskip} so it is by default on the same page
+% when the template contains bibEntry. [TV]}
 % \begin{macrocode}
-    % Start the new chapter without clearing the left page.
-    \clearpage
+    \vskip 40 \p@
@@ -987,13 +989,15 @@
 % \changes{v0.3.46}{2017/06/02}{Simplified the definition of
 %   \cs{thesis@blocks@abstractEn} in
 %   \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-base.sty}. [VN]}
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/05}{Changed \texttt{clearpage}
+% to \texttt{vskip} so it is by default on the same page
+% when the template contains bibEntry. [TV]}
 % \begin{macrocode}
-      % Start the new chapter without clearing the left page.
-      \clearpage
+      \vskip 40 \p@
diff --git a/style/mu/econ.dtx b/style/mu/econ.dtx
index 480b7e9936242fceedbc3ec2a022485a2cf7fac6..ddd3cfcb0c290470ee324807619d6c5cf0e52e18 100644
--- a/style/mu/econ.dtx
+++ b/style/mu/econ.dtx
@@ -185,41 +185,18 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@abstract}
+% \end{macro}
 % \changes{v0.3.46}{2017/06/02}{Redefined
 %   \cs{thesis@blocks@abstract}, \cs{thesis@blocks@abstractEn},
 %   \cs{thesis@blocks@keywords}, and \cs{thesis@blocks@keywordsEn}
 %   in \texttt{style/mu/fithesis-econ.sty} in accordance with the
 %   example documents. The patch was submitted by Jana Ratajská.
 %   [VN]}
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Macros for abstract and abstractEn
+%   were moved to \texttt{base.dtx}. [TV]}
 % The |\thesis@blocks@abstract| macro typesets the
 % abstract. This definition typesets the abstract on the same page.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-  \begin{alwayssingle}%
-    \vskip 40\p@
-    {\let\thesis@blocks@clear\relax
-    \chapter*{\thesis@@{abstractTitle}}}%
-    \noindent\thesis@abstract
-  \end{alwayssingle}}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@abstractEn}
-% The |\thesis@blocks@abstractEn| macro typesets the abstract in
-% English. If the current locale is English, the macro produces no
-% output. This macro typesets the abstract on the same page.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-  \ifthesis@english\else
-    {\thesis@selectLocale{english}%
-    \begin{alwayssingle}%
-      \vskip 20\p@
-      {\let\thesis@blocks@clear\relax
-      \chapter*{\thesis@english@abstractTitle}}%
-      \noindent\thesis@abstractEn
-    \end{alwayssingle}}%
-  \fi}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@keywords}
+% \begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@keywords}
 % The |\thesis@blocks@keywords| macro typesets the keywords. This
 % definition typesets the keywords on the same page.
 % \begin{macrocode}
@@ -247,6 +224,24 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@summary}
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Macro for the summary was added. [TV]}
+% The |\thesis@blocks@summary| macro typesets the summary
+% for doctoral theses. If the thesis type is not doctoral, the
+% macro produces no output.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \thesis@placeholder@extra@summary
+  \begin{alwayssingle}%
+    \thesis@blocks@clear
+    {\let\thesis@blocks@clear\relax
+    \chapter*{\thesis@@{summaryTitle}}}%
+    \noindent\thesis@extra@summary
+  \end{alwayssingle}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
 % Note that there is no direct support for the seminar paper and
@@ -276,8 +271,11 @@
 % All blocks within the autolayout postamble that are not defined
 % within this file are defined in the \texttt{style/mu/base.sty}
 % file.
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Added conditional to include summary
+% in doctoral theses. [TV]}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifx\thesis@doctoral\thesis@type\thesis@blocks@summary\else\fi
 %    \end{macrocode}
diff --git a/style/mu/phil.dtx b/style/mu/phil.dtx
index 0aa85ea95711d6e15c0b61f51da2792ad9ae9ada..adab1e3395a6c0e86028c12681ee40b77c5f3645 100644
--- a/style/mu/phil.dtx
+++ b/style/mu/phil.dtx
@@ -70,7 +70,26 @@
     {\bf\thesis@@{advisorTitle}:} \thesis@advisor}}
 %    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}\begin{macro}{\thesis@blocks@summary}
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Macro for the summary was added. [TV]}
+% The |\thesis@blocks@summary| macro typesets the summary
+% for doctoral theses. If the thesis type is not doctoral, the
+% macro produces no output.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \thesis@placeholder@extra@summary
+  \begin{alwayssingle}%
+    \thesis@blocks@clear
+    {\let\thesis@blocks@clear\relax
+    \chapter*{\thesis@@{summaryTitle}}}%
+    \noindent\thesis@extra@summary
+    \end{alwayssingle}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
 % Note that there is no direct support for the seminar paper and
 % thesis proposal types.  If you would like to change the contents
 % of the preamble and the postamble, you should modify the
@@ -88,6 +107,8 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % In KISK theses, the bibliographical entry, the abstract, and the
 % keywords will be included after the cover matter.
+% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/11}{Added conditional to add summary for
+% doctoral theses. [TV]}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -97,6 +118,7 @@
+    \ifx\thesis@doctoral\thesis@type\thesis@blocks@summary\else\fi
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % In KISK theses, the lists of tables and figures will be included