diff --git a/fithesis.dtx b/fithesis.dtx index ea43e82cadde82bef9784c4c9ad498b0982e83bd..38bb3fcbdbd356e01e55cf914bb8b60b3739af82 100644 --- a/fithesis.dtx +++ b/fithesis.dtx @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage[acronym]{glossaries} + % Making paragraphs numbered \makeatletter \renewcommand\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}% @@ -30,6 +31,13 @@ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} % how many sectioning levels to assign \setcounter{tocdepth}{4} % how many sectioning levels to show +% Aligning page numbers of occurences of terms and abbreviation +% to the right +\makeatletter +\renewcommand*\glspostdescription{\hfill} +\makeatother +\makeglossaries + % ltxdoc class options \CodelineIndex \MakeShortVerb{|} @@ -1277,6 +1285,22 @@ % When the |\thesis@bibFiles| macro is defined and non-empty, the % style files should take that as a cue that the user wishes to % typeset the bibliography. +% \changes{v1.0.0}{2021/03/22}{Added \texttt{dict} key for printing +% glossaries. [TV]} +% \begin{macro}{\thesis@dictFiles} +% \subsubsection{The \texttt{dict} key} +% The \marg{\texttt{dict}=list} pair sets the comma-delimited +% list of paths to the TeX files containing the Dictionary and +% List of Abbreviations databases to \textit{list}. The \textit{list} +% is stored within the |\thesis@dictFiles| macro. +% \begin{macrocode} +\define@key{thesis@dict}{% + \def\thesis@dictFiles{#1}} +% \end{macrocode} +% \end{macro} +% When the |\thesis@dictFiles| macro is defined and non-empty, the +% style files should take that as a cue that the user wishes to +% typeset the dictionary and list of abbreviations. % \begin{macro}{\ifthesis@auto} % \subsubsection{The \texttt{autoLayout} key} % The \marg{\texttt{autoLayout}=bool} pair either enables,