diff --git a/example/mu/example.dtx b/example/mu/example.dtx
index ed73e2f3f2383f164a69d32699c5b9f0f367ceb8..f5d346c57516fd2ef2dbafb9c82df591cd34891b 100644
--- a/example/mu/example.dtx
+++ b/example/mu/example.dtx
@@ -8,24 +8,25 @@
-  digital, %% This option enables the default options for the
+  digital, %% The `digital` option enables the default options for the
            %% digital version of a document. Replace with `printed`
            %% to enable the default options for the printed version
            %% of a document.
-%%  color    %% Uncomment these lines (by removing the %% at the
-%%           %% beginning) to use color.
-  table,   %% This option causes the coloring of tables. Replace
-           %% with `notable` to restore plain LaTeX tables.
-  twoside, %% This option enables double-sided typesetting. Use at
-           %% least 120 g/m² paper to prevent show-through. Replace
-           %% with `oneside` to use one-sided typesetting; use only
-           %% if you don’t have access to a double-sided printer,
-           %% or if one-sided typesetting is a formal requirement
-           %% at your faculty.
-  lof,     %% This option prints the List of Figures. Replace with
-           %% `nolof` to hide the List of Figures.
-  lot,     %% This option prints the List of Tables. Replace with
-           %% `nolot` to hide the List of Tables.
+%%  color,   %% Uncomment these lines (by removing the %% at the
+%%           %% beginning) to use color in the digital version of your
+%%           %% document
+  table,   %% The `table` option causes the coloring of tables.
+           %% Replace with `notable` to restore plain LaTeX tables.
+  twoside, %% The `twoside` option enables double-sided typesetting.
+           %% Use at least 120 g/m² paper to prevent show-through.
+           %% Replace with `oneside` to use one-sided typesetting;
+           %% use only if you don’t have access to a double-sided
+           %% printer, or if one-sided typesetting is a formal
+           %% requirement at your faculty.
+  lof,     %% The `lof` option prints the List of Figures. Replace
+           %% with `nolof` to hide the List of Figures.
+  lot,     %% The `lot` option prints the List of Tables. Replace
+           %% with `nolot` to hide the List of Tables.
   %% More options are listed in the user guide at
   %% <http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fithesis/guide/mu/econ.pdf>.