diff --git a/guide/mu/guide.dtx b/guide/mu/guide.dtx
index d28d9ce11f0165066999f564d4b227d6d668b557..41167123a43242ce38f448f96bdfbd8724fa765a 100644
--- a/guide/mu/guide.dtx
+++ b/guide/mu/guide.dtx
@@ -26,22 +26,22 @@
   TeXkeywords={thesis, typesetting, \LaTeX{}},
+  abstract={%
+    \textsf{Fithesis3} is a \LaTeX{} document class, which
+    streamlines the typesetting of the mandatory parts of theses, so
+    that the author can focus at content alone. \textsf{Fithesis3}
+    can be used to write theses in various languages across the
+    faculties of the \thesis@english@universityName.
+    This document describes the installation of the
+    \textsf{fithesis3} class, its configuration and its use at the
+    \thesis@english@facultyName. As a demonstration of its
+    capabilities, this document was typeset using the
+    \textsf{fithesis3} class.},
-  \textsf{Fithesis3} is a \LaTeX{} document class, which
-  streamlines the typesetting of the mandatory parts of theses, so
-  that the author can focus at content alone. \textsf{Fithesis3}
-  can be used to write theses in various languages across the
-  faculties of the \thesis@english@universityName.
-  This document describes the installation of the
-  \textsf{fithesis3} class, its configuration and its use at the
-  \thesis@english@facultyName. As a demonstration of its
-  capabilities, this document was typeset using the
-  \textsf{fithesis3} class.}
 \thesisload% The menukeys package does not play nice, when it is
   \usepackage[os=win]{menukeys}% loaded before BibLaTeX.