diff --git a/fibeamer/fibeamer.dtx b/fibeamer/fibeamer.dtx
index 6b2a99d8bf4938ebcca622bee31a4aec5001cb51..23fc002b6250862f5ba2b474e0400bbaf38f69d9 100644
--- a/fibeamer/fibeamer.dtx
+++ b/fibeamer/fibeamer.dtx
@@ -51,20 +51,28 @@
 % \title{The beamer theme for the typesetting of thesis defense
 %   presentations at the Masaryk University in Brno}
-% \author{VĂ­t NovotnĂ˝, Andrew Mundy}
+% \author{VĂ­t NovotnĂ˝}
 % \date{\today}
 % \maketitle
 % \begin{abstract}
 % \noindent This document details the design and the implementation
 % of the \textsf{fibeamer} theme for the \textsf{beamer} document
-% class. It contains technical information for anyone who wishes to
-% extend the class with their style files.
+% class. Included are technical information for anyone who wishes
+% to extend the theme with their own color themes as well as
+% information for ordinary users.
 % \end{abstract}
 % \tableofcontents
-% \section{Package options}
+% \section{Basic usage}
+% In order to use the \textsf{fibeamer} theme, insert
+% |\usetheme|\oarg{options}|{fibeamer}| into the preamble of a
+% \LaTeX\ document that uses the \textsf{beamer} document class.
+% Refer to Section \ref{sec:options} for the list of available
+% \textit{options}.
+% \section{Package options}\label{sec:options}
 % \subsection{The \texttt{fonts} option}
 % \begin{macro}{\iffibeamer@fonts}
 % The |fonts| option instructs the package to set up the
@@ -242,7 +250,7 @@
 % \subsection{Macros}
 % \begin{macro}{\fibeamer@require}
 % The |\fibeamer@require|\marg{package} macro is used to gracefully
-% load a \textit{packages}. Packages that have already been loaded
+% load a \textit{package}. Packages that have already been loaded
 % or do not exist are ignored by the macro.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
diff --git a/fibeamer/theme/mu/base.dtx b/fibeamer/theme/mu/base.dtx
index 53f9759ce40a9285bde2eedae23ee8c2d5f4d6e3..40e34dee500604dc8e158371d99687d10e6fca2a 100644
--- a/fibeamer/theme/mu/base.dtx
+++ b/fibeamer/theme/mu/base.dtx
@@ -49,9 +49,10 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
 % A frame that is either title or dark, as specified by the value
-% of the |\iffibeamer@dark| conditional. The
-% |fibeamer@backgroundInner| and |fibeamer@backgroundOuter| colors
-% will be defined by the subsequently loaded color theme.
+% of the |\iffibeamer@dark| conditional, will have a gradient
+% background. The |fibeamer@backgroundInner| and
+% |fibeamer@backgroundOuter| colors will be defined by the
+% subsequently loaded color theme.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \defbeamertemplate*{background canvas}{fibeamer}{%