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Adéla Štěpková / aligater
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseUpdated -
fidentis / Analyst 2
MIT LicenseSoftware for processing and analysis of human faces. Re-implementation of https://github.com/Fidentis/Analyst
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Ján Václav / android-exfiltration-patches
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterArchived 0Updated -
Release fully annotated data from the CTC. Full annotation should come from the best combination from the CTC.
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Petr Babič / bachelor-thesis
zlib LicenseUpdated -
CYBERSEC / theses / belajova-vulnerabilities-training
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalSoftware Vulnerabilities for Interactive Cybersecurity Training
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Adam Matoušek / BLO👏GÍ👏SEK
MIT LicenseOrloj na výrobu statického blogu s podporou komentářů.
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Lukáš Hrmo / ciCD
MIT LicenseUpdated -